Wednesday, December 31, 2008
i Wish it never happened...
Thursday, December 18, 2008
My Lost Richy
Every inch of my body was so cold at dat moment. My brain stopped thinking at once. All my happiness turns to sorrow. It’s as if the sun will never rise again. My 2-year-old dog which is already part of my family is no longer around. I wished it was a dream but it wasn’t. In the midnite, I even dreamt of buying another dog as a companion 2 him. That dream is shattered now.
I walked & walked & walked into every corner of the neigbourhood, looking every possible places it could have been stolen to. Yet, after an hour of tireless walk I still cudnt find him. I prayed so hard that God will help me find him. All the memories with him juz ran thru me while I was looking for him. This dog is so important to me & my family. Imagine urself losing a sibling aged 2 years old. Won’t u feel anything??
Later in the afternoon, i went 2 the pet stores trying 2 look for him & stil i cudnt find him. I’ve printed out posters & stick it around. I had no appetite for my lunch & dinner. I cudnt imagine my dog being hungry. He eats early in the morning at 7 am, some biscuits in the afternoon b4 dinner at 7pm. He’ll only eat dog’s biscuits & not bones nor leftovers of human foods. I juz dunno how the thief will feed it. They just wont ustand my dog! It’s about time for him 2 eat the medicine & get some injection too. How would the thief knows that my dog needs medication & injection rite now?!
He will bark non-stop whenever he wants to go to the toilet once in the morning & once at night. Does the thief knows he needs 2 go to the toilet when he barks non-stop?? What if they beat him up for being noisy??!! And one more thing, only me & my sis know the way he likes to be bathed & the type of shampoos he used since his skin is rather sensitive. We’ll even send him for grooming every month but will the thief do such a thing?? SURELY NOT!! Coz surely the thief is damn fucking poor!!!
I’ve trained it how 2 stay, sit, turn, 2 be gentle 2wards baby, greet ppl and many more!! Only we know how 2 communicate well with him!! I regretted for not spending more time wit it and now I might not hv the chance anymore. My sis cried the whole day & i really pity her. My mom seems calm until dinner when i saw tears in her eyes. I asked her why & my mom said this dog is so used 2 live under comfortable life with us & out there who knows how will he be treated.??
All i can do now is to pray each & evry seconds that he will be safe & one day returns 2 me. I will never give up & will continue looking for my dear Richy. Please hang on and I hope God will let us meet again soon. So please pray with me dat I can find him as soon as possible....
Saturday, November 22, 2008
I met JAKUNs...haha
Consequnetly, I missed the bus coz I cudn't bear standing near their stinking body!! Anyway, I wasn't in a rush so I decided 2 wait for the next bus. BUT, the funny thing here was dat they were asked 2 wait for another bus as well coz it's already fully occupied. Perhaps they dun u'stand human language & continued 2 get up the bus b4 they were finally being asked 2 get down.!! I cudn't help but to laugh at their behaviour...
So, I continued 2 wait. Knowing that the bus will definitely stop a lil bit to the front, hence I walked up 2 the front of the platform to wait for the bus. Strangely, I'm the only one standing in front while this bunch of nuts stood at the back of the platform. Finally the bus arrived. They thought it's gonna stop rite in front of them while I knew in my mind the bus will not stop at the place where they stood.
I was indeed rite! The bus moved and stopped rite in front of me..HAHA. U whole bunch of stu**d ppl made urself looked lyk idiots...I'm not saying i'm smart but I wud prefer 2 say dat they r stu**d... sorry, there is no other better word 2 describe their JAKUN behaviour...
The end.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Everlasting Memories
The last occasion was none other than Prom. Everybody looks gorgeous and at their best. The guys were smart while the girls were really stunning. There were so many of them that I can hardly recognise. They look so different!
We were just busy taking pictures with each other. It may be the last time together but I hope not. After this, we may be pursuing our studies in different places but one thing that last forever is our friendship. It's hard to define friendship. It's easy to find a friend but it's much more easier to lose one. Thanx all of u for the everlasting memories.
Friday, November 14, 2008
A daunting prospect...
On another unrelated matter, I felt rather useless and upset 2day. I just feel that i've not given my best in my spec math paper. 3 hours and i dun seem 2 put in my best effort. Was it becoz the paper was really hard?? Or was it me who make it hard... When i'm not at my best, i juz dun feel good. I felt like a failure...FAILURE..... when i reached home, i juz wanted to sleep. I managed to close my eyes but my mind wasn't resting, keep pondering the consequence of not doing well in spec math. Anyway, there's not much hope in spec math after all... even the subject that i feared the most (Econs) was way better attempted a few days ago.
Anyway, that's not the end of the world juz yet. I have one more paper to go and I dun wan let it affect my last paper. I juz got to pick myself up and try my level best for yet another hurdle. Juz one last one and I shall bid farewell to SAM.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
The beginning of eternity
The end of time and space
The beginning of every end
And the end of every place
Answer:- the letter "e"
A dead man is found in a locked room, hanging from the ceiling 4 ft. above the floor. The room is completely empty, except for a puddle of water below him. How did he die?
AnSwEr:- He stood on a block of ice and waited for it to melt.
A Panda Bear walked into a resturant. He sat down at a table and ordered some food. When he was finished eating, he took out a gun and shot his waiter. He then left the resturant. After the police caught up with him, they asked him why he had killed the waiter. He replied, "Look me up in the dictionary." What did the dictionary say?
@nsWer:- When they looked up the word "Panda" in the dictionary, it stated, "Panda: Eats shoots and leaves."
Saturday, October 18, 2008
It's just too boring....i wanna get back to college!!!! I'm juz seeing the wall or perhaps the screen of my laptop every second. BORREEEDDDDDD..................
Friday, October 10, 2008
I Almost forgot I have a Blog....wth
the 1 week raya break doesnt seem 2 be only a week for me. i've been so relaxing after the trials and has not since become as hardworking as I was b4 the trials. It's only a month away b4 the finals & i'm still MAFIA-ing. i cant imagine myself doing dat during pmr or spm..! i crapping here? during pmr & spm, i din even hav a facebook account yet lar! wateva it is...i'm such a lazy worm rite now.
hrrmm...this weekend i'm planning to do something. I wanna learn how to cook new food. so...i need 2 shop for the groceries 2moro...
btw, this post is so disorganised lar....thoughts are flying everywhere. btw, ever since when my posts have been organised?!?!! mood 2 do my accounts paper lar...spec math's never ending!! btw, i wanna continue playing dat stupid addictive mafia game again now.....seems like there's no cure for this addict anymore.....
Friday, August 22, 2008
Man, i feel so frustrated with homeworks when there's holiday.. Obviously I know the trials and finals are coming up pretty soon..BUT there shud be time to relax.. They asked us to revise during the holidays...and all i can do is to finish up the homeworks!! Where on earth do I find additional time to revise?! I dun have more than 24 hours/day alrite! Essays...Trial papers.....Reviews...Additional exercises....Presentation!!! WTFish!
Perhaps I should stop procrastinating and do my work instead of blogging here...No choice though, I need to lash out my anger here or else, I'll get a fever for such immense anger and rising temperature in my blood!!
Nevertheless, I'm not giving up just yet.... Remember this quote: You're Not Finished If You Lose BUT If You Quit You Are Finished!!!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Friday, July 25, 2008
Midnight post....
It's now Friday....1 sth in the morning. While my roommates are sleeping now, I'm still on9.... coz i took a 2 & 1/2 hours sleep in the afternoon. It's ok i guess since it is already FRIDAY! The day i've been loving since I started my miserable but sometimes interesting life in Taylors College. Let me point out wat is so special about FRIDAY!
---->> The class hours are short with only 4 lessons for the day.
---->> There is no specialist math on Friday.
---->> Friday is my laziest day as I owez do nothing.
And now it's a Friday again! Gotta help out in the fundraising activities led by pehhwa....i voluntarily offered to help coz i'm an animal lover...! When it comes to anything to do with animals, I wud not hesitate 2 help out or donate.
Bear Bear....
Upon the request of Drew, I'll post sth short about wat happened on 23rd of July 08. On this date, I gave sth to someone in accordance with her 18th birthday. I gave it when everyone had gone back after the celebration of her birthday. So many ppl maa, who wont feel shy wan? tell me! tell me who wont?!
Oklaa, let me say sth about her. She's in my class, J7. Last year, the whole class sang her a birthday song as she stood in front of the class. Sorry, I cant remember which class liao... Dat time, not many perhaps that knew her coz it was juz the beginning of our SAM programme. After one year, here comes again her birthday. Haiz, so fast old oledi...haha. This time, we celebrated her birthday at her hostel unit.
This was the 1st time I gave a 'sth' to someone else besides my family members. I was told dat she likes it very much when Drew gave sth to someone. Summore, she didn't have one at Ridzuan. So, now she has it oledi laa... thanx 2 me! Ehem, guess I'm not dat shy after all coz at least I din flee rite rite.... Btw, hope she likes the bear... and not to be forgotten me oso lar.... swt ...haha.
Haiz..dat sth is obviously stated up there rite..??? And that sumone is none other than JW lor...
The end....
Monday, July 14, 2008
The 1st & the Last Anniversary.....
Time really travels fast.... Another few months 2 go & there's not much time 2 waste. Better buck up & strive for the best result till the very end.... No more hesitating nor procrastinating...... Every seconds count..... AND wat on earth am i doin here?! As i am typing, the clock is ticking too....and y am i still blogging while i'm supposed to be flipping thru the accounts books & studying the 'Man of the House'..??? oklaa... gotta pull myself out of this & revise my accounts!.....
Saturday, July 12, 2008
One and a half Movies.....
Paying as much as 17 bucks for dat 3D movie and watching as early as 11, there were not many ppl in there. Maybe it was juz too early for a movie coz a technical error with the projector caused disruption to the movie for several times. After an hour of the movie, the staff apologised and we got back our refund of 17 bucks. Hahah, free movie for an hour. Maybe if only we can buy the ticket for second half of the movie the next time we wanna watch it again...??
CS(the cold one) & PJ(the hot one).....LAME
The 3 musketeers.....
(Well, there's sth funny bout this picture. Notice that there's a 'Keluar' sign
up there??' It actually signified that these 3 were supposed to get out of
the cinema at once for taking picture in the cinema..haha)
Still, it was too early and with the surplus of money in hand coz of the refund, we grabbed the movie ticket for Hancock and this time we watched till the end.... Clearly, 3D movie doesn't work... Btw, it's nothing extraordinary with 3D other than water splashing & insects crawling on ur face...
Then, we went for pizza after the movies. Nothing special happened but there's sumthing annoying bout one person (quite fat & a lil bit fatter than perencah) who sat beside our table. Not only he ate so much but his eyes kept spying at our table! We joked bout him possibly wanted to eat our food too. And his glass was empty and maybe he wanted a sip of our drinks..haha.
Next, it's bowling time. The trios who came wit me earlier had left me alone in pyramid. Actually, it's me leaving them laa. I joined Lum & Cheng Yah for bowling and ended up playing for 5 games. U can imagine my fingers are suffering and in awful pain rite now... Nevertheless, it was a good game coz I've managed to make improvements in my bowling skills. For the 1st time, I managed to get past the 1oo points mark....haha...not bad not bad....
Finally, it's groceries time at Giant.... b4 i finally got back ridzuan....
Thursday, July 3, 2008
wat a day for majority of J7 students! As usual, many J7 students went off to Pyramid to watch movie right after college as today we juz finished the econs test. I'm in no MOOD to elaborate on wat movies we watched coz the mood was totally spoilt.!!
To shorten the story, the 2505's plus jasmine and sarah entered the FOREVER 21 in Sunway to shop for clothes. What wud u guys normally do in a clothing shop? Trying out the clothes rite? Then, r u required to place back the clothes to its original place? Not enuf wif dat, have u ever been badly treated by the salesperson? Well, you have it all in FOREVER 21 shop at Pyramid!!!! What a "customer service" U wud ever want to receive!!
A salesgirl was being rude towards the 2505's as if she's the BOSS! Well, I'm not at the scene but as of wat I heard, here are the words that came out from her probably unbrushed mouth this morning:
- "boleh tepi sikit tak?!"
- "kalau tak puas, mai cari saya lar!"
She also pushed the clothes and they hit both Sheila and Fang yun.
Somehow, Matthew coincidentally called Fang Yun at dat time and was informed about that incident. AhHAAA... now dat salesgirl is in trouble. Me, drew, chee seng and matthew immediately left GIANT and stormed towards the shop. On the way, we met the rest of J7 students (ji yan, jia wen, maggie, kristin, ying xuan, vivian, chia ning & li ming). It was such a coincident dat they were going to the shop! So, U can imagine a big gang over there! haha, the salesgirl is totally dead!
Our highly-angered MATTHEW SEK YAN WENG was overwhelmed by the flame of anger and i can say dat his body temperature rised to beyond expectation! We found the manager and explained the entire situation, argued and also demanded for an apology from dat b**ch!! (dat seems to be the most appropriate term to describe her). Reluctantly, she apologised this way: " Saya mintak maaf takde masalah, tapi mereka tak payah mintak maaf walaupun diorang letak baju tu macam tu je lepas cuba". WTF!!! She still wanna defend herself & obviously she's trying to say dat she's innocent!
That useless manager kept saying it's beyond his control and the most he can do is to check on the CCTV as well as advicing her. Earlier, he also claimed that we (the big group) are ruling over his shop! WTF again! He as a manager cant even manage the employee and the shop?! We are ruling his shop?! Baseless argument!!! Dun need to be manager liao laa....haizz (shake head)..!
So, finally we walked off the shop after she had apologised (but did not seem to be official enuf). The manager promised to call Matthew back....and as we reached Ridzuan, he called Matthew and claimed that there was nothing happening in the CCTV!!! WAT the Fish! EVIDENT ENUF DAT THE MANAGER WAS PROTECTING HER!! (got affair wan kua).... URGH!!!....wateva it was, we've done our part to redeem our pride and dignity!! WE HAVE PROVEN TO THEM DAT J7 is always co-operative and we are NOT easily bullied or threathened!! longest blog so far..... supposed to do my hw but to blog bout this is my no.1 priority!! Quote of the day: "DUN MESS WITH J7!"....
Friday, June 13, 2008
Solutions to Price Hike of Fuel...
Well, all these suggestions seem to be logical & practical aren't they? Now, you are about to witness one of the most unusual & inconceivable alternative!! It behoves us to ponder upon the logic behind it (although I dun c the logical side of it!). It's environmentally friendly as it does not involve consumption of petrol ! Take a look at the YouTube link below....
Sunday, June 1, 2008
This holiday is such a sheer boredom!!! So, i managed to make use of my time by creating a new intepretation of accounting concepts! The new definition for each of the following concepts are as follow:
Going concern- Continuous care & concern for friends.
Prudence concept- Understate doubt & overstate trust towards friends.
Accrual concept- Recognising help received or given to friends regardless of when it is repaid.
Legal entity- Friends are seen as one in the eyes of friendship law!
Not bad eh? Anyone wants to add something to this?? Well, there are many concepts left....ThinK!
Monday, May 26, 2008
Two top teams to face off in one of the most prestigious competition.....

Thursday, May 8, 2008
Some Jokes Here.....
JOKE 1.....
A young man has a great date planned with a hot chick, unfortunately he’s also got a bad case of gas. Upon arriving at the girl’s house to pick her up, he meets the parents and waits for her in the living room while she finishes getting ready.
At this point his stomach is turning and he’s doing the best he can to hold his gas. This is some serious stuff too, beer and beef burrito farts - the stuff dreams are made of. Luckily, just before he was about to explode Spot, the family dog, jumps on his lap as he sits on the couch. He figures it’s safe to let out alittle bit of the pressure and and if anyone notices they’ll think that the dog did it.
He farts, and the woman yells, “Spot, get down from there.” The guy thinks to himself, “Thank God! They think the dog did it.” Seizing the opportunity, he lets out another fart and the woman, again, yells for the dog to get down.
This goes on for a few more farts when, finally, the woman yells loudly, “Dammit Spot, get down before he shits on you!”
JoKe 2 is bout an intelligent skill one shud learn...!
A blonde chick found herself sitting next to a lawyer on an airplane. Bored, the lawyer kept bugging the blonde wanting her to play a game of intelligence (lawyers like easy prey). Finally, the lawyer offered her 10 to 1 odds, said every time the blonde could not answer one of his questions she owed him $5, but every time he could not answer hers he’d give her $50.00. The lawyer figured he could not lose, and the blonde reluctantly accepted.
The lawyer first asked, “What is the distance between the Earth and the nearest star?” Without saying a word the blonde handed him $5.
The blonde then asked, “What goes up a hill with 3 legs and comes back down the hill with 4 legs?”
The lawyer looked puzzled. He spent nearly an hour, looking up everything he could on his laptop and even placing numerous air-to-ground phone calls, trying to find the answer. Finally, angry and frustrated, he gave up and paid the blonde $50.00
The blonde put the $50 into her purse without comment, but the lawyer insisted, “What is the answer to your question?”
Without saying a word, the blonde handed him $5.
Friday, May 2, 2008
A Day In 1Utama....
Our journey began at 9.20 am and we reached 1 utama around 10 sth. Then, it was such a long queue juz to get the movie tickets for Ironman. Nevertheless, the line was moving pretty fast and we managed to buy the 11.30 tickets. The movie lasted for more than 2 hours. We sat separately as the tickets we bought were the last few tickets and unfortunately we had to sit quite in front. Drew, Jason & Tuck Wah sat in the same row which is the 1st row where as I had to sit alone in the 2nd row and followed by Chee Seng in the 3rd row. Guess i sat beside who??? The cinema was dark and i was once again a "light bulb" coz i sat beside a couple. Well, i dun have to mention how couples usually behave in a i?? Btw, let's talk bout the movie. Not a bad movie though although i din learn anything from the movie. ( Drew, i learnt sth from the couples not the movie).
After the movie, we went for lunch at Kenny Rogers & then MPH and later it's time to shop! Too bad, not enuf cash in the wallet and we went around the shopping centre just 2 look for ATM. I'm really disappointed wit 1 utama for being such a huge shopping centre but with so few ATM machines. So, we finally found one but that was not CIMB Bank. Nvm though, as long as we got the money! Then, the spending spree began! 1st, i tried out some leather shoes. It took me such a long time just to look for a pair of shoes. After buying my shoes, it's time to look for a long sleeve shirt. With Chee Seng's suggestion, i bought a blue shirt and of coz it's never complete without a tie... Then, i bought a tie that matches my shirt. Overall including transportation, foods and clothes, i spent more than 200 bucks in one day! Nvmlaa....once in a while....haha. Luckily, it was agrand sale at this moment....otherwise, i'll be spending even more....
That was the end of the shopping spree and I came back nearly 11 pm.... can u imagine how tiring is it?? but, it's alwez fun when U have friends accompanying you.... That's wat friends do best!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Now, back to the deciding match! The 1st leg between this two team ended up with a scoreless draw. So, it's all on this decisive match to see who gets to the Final in Moscow. ManUtd started off really well with better passes compared to the previous match. This was evident thru the better ball possession by United. The good start paid off when Scholes broke the dead lock early on in the match in the 14th minute with a superb swinging shot with his right foot. The whole crowd went berzerk with that early lead!! Well, who says old horse is not important?!? He proved that his wealth of experience could still be vital for United's Champions League triumph. That was the only goal for the 1st half and eventually the only goal of the match.
The 2nd half was pretty much under control by Barcelona but unfortunately, they cudn't make full use of their major share of possession to produce a vital away goal. It was such a nervous situation each time Barcelona managed to dispossess United... Jasmine said she wud get a heart attack for watching the game..haha. The most unwanted thing by ManU fans happened when Barca brought on Henry into the game in the 60th minute! Well, he's well-known for his ability to score goals. (We can't deny that) hehe. Nevertheless, he wasn't a great threat to United's solid defense by Ferdinand and not to forget BROWN (Vivian's hubby). Brown played exceptionally well to block Barca's attack. And of course our hero is the old guy at the goal post..Edwin Van Der Sar!! He made sooo many important saves to keep United's lead.
It was goalless in the 2nd half....and the most nervous moment was the stoppage time. The added time was supposed to be only 3 minutes. However, Evra got hurt on the face and had to be substitued with Silvestre. Then, the game resumed. We were so desperate to hear the final whistle and the referee just wouldn't blow it up till the 5th minute of the stoppage time! Barca got a free kick in the dying seconds but they squandered that chance terribly. There goes the final whistle and United are on their way to the Champion League Final!!! It's the determination that edge them through and IT's ALWAYS GOTTA BE UNITED!!!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
3 things in the 3rd day of the week.
Really feeling the stress 2wards the end of semester 2. No choice but to be optimistic and not pessimistic. A few more weeks 2 go b4 the holiday starts. Just cant wait 2 go back Butterworth.! Anyway, i'm beginning 2 feel sleepy now. Seriously got to take a nap for my brain 2 rest....z z Z ...
Friday, April 18, 2008
Movie Addicts.....
So, finally we reached Pyramid... and we watched "Over Her Dead Body".!!! Sounds scary???... Haha, it was a love and comedy movie actually. That movie was so funny that we laughed like mad fellows.(exaggerating). Okla, it was really funny though. Go & watch when U have the time. After the movie, we were looking for food & finally decided 2 give it a try at Esquire Kitchen. Quite expensive but the food was not bad. 5 persons with the bill amounted to about 90 bucks. Nearly rm20 per person. ThanX 2 Jason who was willing 2 drive us there....

EMO faces as we got in pyramid from the car park....
Friday, April 11, 2008
Mechanics at WorK!
The climax was not during the movie. The real scene came in after the end of the movie as we were about to go back with Matt's car. Chee Seng had already indicated to us that the car's left back tyre has got not enuf air earlier. So, after the movie, we checked the tyre again & finally decided 2 change the tyre for safety. So, with this group of inexperienced people at work, U can imagine how funny it was. We looked as if we were trying 2 steal tyre instead of changing tyre. Luckily, matt has all the tools needed. Guess wat? We had 2 refer 2 the manual book on how 2 change a tyre!haha. 1st time maa.
However, it took us such a long time even just 2 loosen up the bolts. Finally, with my strength (che che, praising myself), I managed 2 loosen the 1st bolt by standing on the spanner. Probably, i am heavy enuf. haha. So, we changed the tyre with a spare tyre from the back of the car and done! Applause 2 the J7's 5 inexperienced heroes! Hands were dirty but it's the experience that matters... Below are the pictures...Sorry, i wasn't in the picture coz i was busy taking photos after succesfully taking out the tyre...
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
You'll always be remembered....
Recalling the moments I had with him, he said i had a fierce look when he 1st joined my group. He wasn't daring enough 2 talk 2 me initially. But, as time passed, we got along really well and he even said that "Abang pei jin nampak garang tapi baik orangnya". That's rite, he called me "abang" as he was 2 years younger than me. I never scolded him and even if he was late for duty, i never nagged at him. He's just a small guy and perhaps too gentle to be a prefect but i admired him for taking up the challenge as prefect. I would always help him whenever he faced problems. Whenever any students rebelled against him, that student would be in trouble against me.
He's still too young to leave this world. I'll never get the chance to see him again. I never cried for a friend. Now, you're the 1st one of many friends who have made me shed tears. It's hard for me to accept this but your journey of life ended here. You'll always be in my memory. I love U so much, Firdaus!
Friday, April 4, 2008
BadMinToN !!
Me & Matt against "fei chai" (blocked by matt) & another guy.
"Future" badminton stars (wakakkaka...)
That's the "fei chai" (guy in white)!!!! Hopefully he doesn't read my blog!
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
It's the R factor!! Man Utd 2-0 Roma.
Early tomorrow morning, it's gonna be a big match btween Arsenal & Liverpool. Matthew supports Arsenal while Drew is on Liverpool's side! Liverpool is referred as Liver'fool' by Matthew. So, the question is will Liverpool fool Arsenal or is it the vice versa??? Anyway, I'm not supporting any sides as a win for either team has got nothing 2 do wit me.haha... Btw, a win or lose for Liverpool is just the same for Drew. If Liverpool lose, he may not be dead. But, if Liverpool wins, he's definitely dead!! Either way the result is, he's gonna suffer from criticism from both ManUtd & Arsenal fans!
Monday, March 31, 2008
I miss my puppy!
Hrrrmm, after a weekend filled with hw, now it's time to get back 2 college!! urgh! hate it so much especially on monday.! At the same time, i'm beginning 2 miss my puppy at home. He's my first puppy and i still remembered clearly on the 1st day i left for Taylor's College. As i left my home, i still remembered how it looked into my eyes. I couldn't resist myself from shedding tears while saying gudbye 2 it. I was the one feeding it everyday since it was just 4 weeks old and by the time i left for Taylor's, it was already about 8 months old!. That day when i wasn't around, my brother was the one replacing my duty 2 feed it. But at nite, my brother suddenly called me up and told me that my puppy did not want 2 eat. Not even a single bit! That was the 1st time it behaved that way. I thought it was just not feeling well. The next morning, again my brother called and told me that the puppy ate only a small portion of its food. And whenever my bro and sis called my name, it would cry and ran around the house looking for me. At that time, i realised how much it misses me just as much as i miss it.... But now, it seems to get along well with my bro & sis. That is such a relief for me. Each time i went back for holidays, the 1st thing i would do is definitely to hug my cute little Richy!