I agree with wat my cousin said..When we were young, parents were worried that we don't study.. But now dat we've grown up, they are worried that we don't have a girlfriend!
Maybe it's time to get a GIRLFRIEND!!!! So, register ur name fast! Coz places are limited! lolllll..nah, just joking..
Some ppl said we shud concentrate on studies 1st. True coz we're still young and it's never too late to get one once we graduated.
On the other hand, some said if u dun get one now, it'll b harder 2 get one once u graduated. Coz mostly have been BOOKED! xDD.. It's true again isn't it?
Nevertheless, am not getting too worried with all these stuffs just yet.. though i can already feel the pressure from U KNOW WHO.. the elderly ones (aunty2 sekalian)..haha.. but not really from my parents.. they've been very supportive of what i do... or shud i say they're not too worried for me.. As my mum always say, if u've got good appearance(means handsome larr.xD), proper education, & successful career, then the rest will just come along then! Hopefully that's true! =D
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Water Outage..
Woke up at 4am 2day to watch Arsenal vs Chelsea till 6am.. Supported neither team, hence watched with half my eyes closed..@@..Then, took my bath coz there's a water outage from 7am-7pm 2day... That means 2day is the earliest day i bathed this year xD.. Nevertheless, we've stored gallons of water to last for the rest of the day for cooking & washing purposes.. Hopefully there'll be no delay in restoring the water supply!
Monday, December 27, 2010
Random Change of template..=,=""
Nothing special but just a random change of template..Kinda bored after seeing the same template over & over again..duhh..
Friday, December 24, 2010
1 month gone by~~
Ouch! Time travels so swiftly! While I've been busy eating & eating since coming back, it appears that 1 mth has already gone by without me realising it. Also, I've gained over 3kgs since the day I reached home >,< Nevertheless, this isnt a big deal. After all, there are only 2 mths left b4 i return to Sydney. At most, I wudn't exceed 10kgs rite..xD Plus, I'm so different from ordinary people. I can gain & lose weight so drastically over such short period of time.
2moro is Christmas but I'm not a Christian, hence I do not celebrate it but it's still a public holiday. Not sure wat's the family plan for 2moro but I guess we'll just shop around Butterworth. Then, on Sunday I'll most probably be at Gurney. And talking about Gurney reminds me of the havoc at Gurney drive during Christmas or New Year's Eve.. I know youngters these days love to get 2gether & joined the countdown. But the next day, wat u see on the newspaper was the news that ppl picked up fights , sprayed paints on ppl's cars, fought with the policemen etc etc.
I believed all these things happened due to one reason, that is lack of supervision by the parents. The reason why I've never been to any countdowns let it be at Gurney or Autocity is becoz my parents have always warned me not only about the traffic jams but also the possible havoc. Yes, it's fun 2 join in the countdown, we shud enjoy while we're still young BUT we gotta know the limits. If only Penang has got more ppl who can think as wisely as me, Penang wud've been much more peaceful.. *wusei wusei =.=""*
Hrrmm...1 more week till 2010 ends..really looking forward to 2011, a brand new year. Let's all hope 2011 will be a gud year ahead for me, my family, my relatives & my friends =)
2moro is Christmas but I'm not a Christian, hence I do not celebrate it but it's still a public holiday. Not sure wat's the family plan for 2moro but I guess we'll just shop around Butterworth. Then, on Sunday I'll most probably be at Gurney. And talking about Gurney reminds me of the havoc at Gurney drive during Christmas or New Year's Eve.. I know youngters these days love to get 2gether & joined the countdown. But the next day, wat u see on the newspaper was the news that ppl picked up fights , sprayed paints on ppl's cars, fought with the policemen etc etc.
I believed all these things happened due to one reason, that is lack of supervision by the parents. The reason why I've never been to any countdowns let it be at Gurney or Autocity is becoz my parents have always warned me not only about the traffic jams but also the possible havoc. Yes, it's fun 2 join in the countdown, we shud enjoy while we're still young BUT we gotta know the limits. If only Penang has got more ppl who can think as wisely as me, Penang wud've been much more peaceful.. *wusei wusei =.=""*
Hrrmm...1 more week till 2010 ends..really looking forward to 2011, a brand new year. Let's all hope 2011 will be a gud year ahead for me, my family, my relatives & my friends =)
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Dad's B'day!
wheee! 2day's my dad's BiG DaY! It's his birthday! Normally, there isn't any big b'day party for dad all these years..So, this yr it will b the same again..Sounded pathetic huh? Then, ur wrong! Coz that doesnt mean that there will be no celebration 2nite!! 2nite, We're going 2 get a cake from Secret Recipe & also some other foods/snacks that dad likes. Hrmm..prolly pizza? or kfc? (he likes kfc the most! but i want pizza! xD) Then, we'll celebrate at our home sweet home =D It's gonna be a small celebration but with all of us around, am sure it will be more than enough 2 make his day! Urgh..mom just made a burger and placed it rite in front of me now! Cant think of wat 2 write anymore! It's burger time!! Signing off! =P
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Holiday officially begins!
Most ppl have already started their holidays as soon as they finish their final exams. However, dat wasn't the case for me. That's becoz my sis is starting her spm exam rite after i finish my final exam. Although it wasn't me who's sitting for the spm exam, i felt nervous..LOLL..yea, on her behalf i guess..haha. So, I shorten my holiday and decided to come bac home asap so dat i can help her go through some revisions. By the time i came bac, she has already finished a few papers. Then, I've been guiding her for the next 6 papers! It was not easy really! Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Additional Mathematics, Modern Maths --> ALL in english urgh! It was all in Malay when i took it! Luckily i've been attempting some practice questions that she asked me when i was in Sydney. Anyway, 2day's her Bio paper and then next monday will be her Chinese paper, also her last! So, my job as a tutor officially ends 2day coz I cant offer any hints and tips for Chinese paper obviously XDXD.. It's been very tiring.. having 2 face the books still even after i finished my own exams.. but it's worth doing so for my sis.. I wish her all the best!
As for my results this semester, they have all been released.. Overall, i guess it's not bad since it's been a tough yr for me. A mix of happiness and disappointment as usual when results are released. Did very well for 2 accounting subjects and am particularly glad for a 3rd yr accounting unit dat i took this sem. With a score of 83, i couldn't complain more though it's just 2 marks off hd grade. I duno why but i always seems to do well for subject dat i took a yr in advance..maybe it's luck i guess..haha. And there's this Finance subject dat freaks evryone out with high % of failure..>.< Right b4 the exam, I thought i wud just aim for a Pass seriously..but in the end managed 2 get 72 for it...ONCE AGAIN, i need few more marks for a higher grade wtf!! In other uni, dat wud've been a Distinction rite?! y on earth is usyd setting such high standard compared to other universities in Australia huh huh?! Nvm, i'm sure dat getting a credit is considered a huge success already for this Finance unit..one of the toughest exams as agreed by seniors and tutors. Overall, i'm glad with wat i've achieved.. Obviously i dun wanna see a PASS in my results slip..so, i will try my best 2 maintain my results for my 3rd & final yr!
On other note, year 2010 is coming to an end...Been thru lotsa ups & downs this year but all i care is the happy memories =DD Am so looking forward to the beginning of 2011 and CNY of coz!! As for now, it's time for brekky and then watch TAR17 episode 11 with the sloowwww streamyx..=___________=
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Long queue to buy Apple’s iPad
Long queue to buy Apple’s iPad
funny...ppl got a hand on ipad long long time ago..midvalley just launched this product...
Friday, November 26, 2010
home sweet home~~
aha! i'm finally bac home! touched down on the soil of Penang and breathed in the air of Penang for the 1st time after nearly 4 months... doesnt make any difference though..lolll.. had chicken rice as my lunch and my 1st meal bac in Msia..the portion is a bit small >.< used to eat big big portion in Sydney already..haha. It's such a nice feeling to be back home again...and yea, my dog still recognises me! haha.. Then, comes dinner time.! Eating mum's homecook food really feels like i'm in heaven..lol, yea i've been missing homecook food so muchy! No doubt my weight will go up again when the break is over! This morning was worse...had curry mee as breakfast! Can u imagine me eating foods like char koay teow, nasi lemak, curry mee, roti canai etc as my breakfast for the next 3 mths?!!?!! Surely and I can guarantee that my weight will NOT be the same again! Hopefully i'll do some exercise (which i know with 90% probability that i wont) during the break.. Anyway, let's just enjoy eating! Isn't dat wat life is all about apart from studying and sleeping?? XDDD
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
I'm going home~ To the place where I belong~~~XD
wheeee~~ i'm going bac 2moro! 2day's my last day in Melbourne! Came over to Melbourne for four days and discovered the weather was a bit strange.lol. It doesnt get dark early here..Not until 8 or 9 pm at least..haha. So, I stayed in my friends house, Lum & Cheng Yah. On my 1st day here, they brought me to Chadstone Shopping Centre...had lunch there and bought some chocolates at very cheap price! Oh yea, and the weather was cooling~~
But yesterday was freaking hawt! Can melt! We went to the city...and becoz the weather was so hot, we decided to get some ice cream. Went all the way to this famous Dolce Freddo ice cream shop but it was CLOSED on Monday! urgh!! the 1st time i'm in melb i came to this shop but t'was at nite and closed as well! T.T...so, we went to another ice cream shop called Gelatomassi. However, seems like the ice-cream has no effect on cooling down the heat in the body...haha..it felt so hot still!
Then, off we go to the city...i met up with a friend from Melb, Winnie Ong...also from Butterworth.. Had some desserts at Lindt cafe and chit chat till kena halau..lolll..shop was about to close and we're still there.. it's nice talking to someone from the same state as we share common interest...well, common interest in food la i shud say! Penang food is the best! hohoho, i'm gonna taste it soon! whereas she has to wait another month! haha.. but time flies... 1 mth isnt dat long actually..
finally, 2day is the 3rd day in Miaoburn! also the 1st day of spm! so, i set an alarm so dat i can wake up! not to take spm la of coz..but to call bac home & make sure my sis has already woken up as the paper starts at 8am msian time. Then, i went to the toilet only to realise dat the water supply has been interrupted! #%)&^!#% hopefully it's just temporary..otherwise, no need 2 shower for the rest of the day..=X
So, yeala..2moro is the day! wheeee...cant wait cant wait ! i wanna go bac home! to the place where i truly belong! Teehee!
But yesterday was freaking hawt! Can melt! We went to the city...and becoz the weather was so hot, we decided to get some ice cream. Went all the way to this famous Dolce Freddo ice cream shop but it was CLOSED on Monday! urgh!! the 1st time i'm in melb i came to this shop but t'was at nite and closed as well! T.T...so, we went to another ice cream shop called Gelatomassi. However, seems like the ice-cream has no effect on cooling down the heat in the body...haha..it felt so hot still!
Then, off we go to the city...i met up with a friend from Melb, Winnie Ong...also from Butterworth.. Had some desserts at Lindt cafe and chit chat till kena halau..lolll..shop was about to close and we're still there.. it's nice talking to someone from the same state as we share common interest...well, common interest in food la i shud say! Penang food is the best! hohoho, i'm gonna taste it soon! whereas she has to wait another month! haha.. but time flies... 1 mth isnt dat long actually..
finally, 2day is the 3rd day in Miaoburn! also the 1st day of spm! so, i set an alarm so dat i can wake up! not to take spm la of coz..but to call bac home & make sure my sis has already woken up as the paper starts at 8am msian time. Then, i went to the toilet only to realise dat the water supply has been interrupted! #%)&^!#% hopefully it's just temporary..otherwise, no need 2 shower for the rest of the day..=X
So, yeala..2moro is the day! wheeee...cant wait cant wait ! i wanna go bac home! to the place where i truly belong! Teehee!
Friday, November 5, 2010
Blogging with iPod touch LOL
Nth special here actually..LOLL..just trying out my ipod touch 4g for blogging.. Haha.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Money money hom!! $.$
ahh..awesome! jpa has just deposited the allowance for 3 mths.. havent been seeing lotsa money for quite some time...but why is there no increase ?!?!! evrytime they put in money, i wud just hope they add a lil bit 2 account for the rise in living cost and inflation.! and i'm not lying! seriously! based on the report released by ABS yesterday, the general CPI increases by 2.8% through the year to September quarter 2010!! LOLL..and in particular, the cost of FOOD also rises by 1.7% in the september quarter compared to previous year!!
nevertheless, it's not like i always eat out also..=P AND it's been a while since i put money from savings account into i-saver it seems.. have been withdrawing from i-saver all the time..! now it's time 2 replenish the i-saver account.!! like immediately! just to reap the benefits of the interests..LOLLL
Monday, October 25, 2010
Did You Know??
As usual, we always see ppl post b'day messages on fb like almost every week, if not everyday... So, what are the messages that we always see?
Number 1: Happy B'Day man!
Number 2: Hey dude, happy b'day!
Number 3: Happy B'Day! Have a Blast!
Number 4: Happy B'Day! Have a Great One!
No comments for no.1 & 2.. however, no.3 sounds funny 2 me.. HAVE A BLAST!! Seriously, what's with that BLAST?? i dun get it..xD
Then, no.4...Have a great one!..errr..a GREAT ONE? ... wat's the Great One?? LOLL...
Number 1: Happy B'Day man!
Number 2: Hey dude, happy b'day!
Number 3: Happy B'Day! Have a Blast!
Number 4: Happy B'Day! Have a Great One!
No comments for no.1 & 2.. however, no.3 sounds funny 2 me.. HAVE A BLAST!! Seriously, what's with that BLAST?? i dun get it..xD
Then, no.4...Have a great one!..errr..a GREAT ONE? ... wat's the Great One?? LOLL...
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Towards the Finish Line..
Well...i've spent soooooooo much time on this piece of report! 3500 words omG! the longest report i've ever written in my entire life as a student..T_T Currently, I'm left with the conclusion which I expect to write 300 words. As for now, I already have 3334 words..LOL.. Exhausted already..= ( ... references alone already took up 3 pages.. am quite amazed with the amount of researches i've conducted.. guess i'll never do this much research anymore in my entire life unless there's such assessment AGAIN! Add OIL! conclusion and recommendation here i come!
Friday, October 22, 2010
grrrr..y my progress is so damn slow..!
garrrhhh..! i'm still working on my 3500 words report!! my progress is so damn slow dat i'm still stuck at 35.8%..dat's about 1253 words...T_T ...long long way 2 goooooooooooooooooooooooooo...............
Warisan Merdeka Tower..Good or Bad?
Hrmmm..hrmmm..another big issue erupted in my beloved Malaysia..the latest proposal to build a 100-storey Warisan Merdeka Tower has raised the eyebrows of many. As usual, there will always be the emergence of both proponents and opponents whenever a new project is proposed. Our PM Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak defended the proposal as it is seen as an advantage to our country. It was claimed that the advantage includes being a centre of attraction as well as a new business hub that could potentially boost the economy.
On the other hand, there are many opponents that argue perhaps the money from the multi-billion project can be better spent on area such as further development in Sabah & Sarawak. Also, it is claimed that the project will be a waste of taxpayers' money. Even funnier was that i saw a picture about the board of directors in Permodalan Nasional Berhad. It consists of our PM as the chairman and deputy PM as the deputy chair man. I'm not sure who posted this but this person linked this picture with what our PM said in his defence for the proposal. As quoted by our PM:
"I did not ask PNB to undertake the project. It is something which the PNB management wants to see implemented," he told reporters after giving a closed-door briefing to Umno leaders in conjunction with the 2010 Umno General Assembly which started today.
Essentially, what this individual is saying that our PM was the mastermind behind the proposal. At first, I was surprised to see that! I was like..hrrmm, our PM claimed that it was a decision by the PNB but at the same time he is the chairman of PNB? Being curious about the truth, I went to the PNB website and found out that our PM and deputy PM weren't part of the B.O.D at all in the 1st place! Hrrmm..why on earth is there individual who dares to damage the reputation of our leaders.. Even if you disagree with the proposal, the best way to prove your point is to provide a sound and logical argument..NOT through other evil means!
The fake B.O.D: http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs445.ash2/71804_442521158089_592368089_5301614_8068979_n.jpg
The real B.O.D: http://www.pnb.com.my/about/about_us_chart.cfm?cat=7
As from my point of view, I believe there are definitely both pros and cons of the proposal. It's easy for us to be influenced by what people say.. In fact, I believe nobody is absolutely right and nobody is absolutely wrong..
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Why Do I...
Why do i ....
- bother looking back at the past when future is what it all matters...
- look into the future when there is no certainty about the future...
- care about the past when it's irreversible...
- bother to link the past and the future but not the present...
- do what i'm doing now...why oh why oh whyyyyyy....
- bother looking back at the past when future is what it all matters...
- look into the future when there is no certainty about the future...
- care about the past when it's irreversible...
- bother to link the past and the future but not the present...
- do what i'm doing now...why oh why oh whyyyyyy....
Two down! One more to go...
Two down! One more to go... It's the beginning of a hell-ish week.. Will I be able to cope with it? Yes/No? Only time will tell...
Monday, October 18, 2010
Give myself a pat on the back~~ =DD
Yeah!! Well done to myself! I single handedly wrote the entire Financial Accounting B report without seeking help from my groupmates! AND the outcome ??????? ...........................
I GOT A PERFECT SCORE for the ENTIRE REPORT!!! The lecturer's comment:
- The report is marked very strictly!
- She finds it difficult to pinpoint any area which lacks explanation!
- A well structured and written report!
AND although this is a group report, I did it all by myself! I'm being a bit too individualistic isn't it? Yea, true to some extent because I've had bad experiences for groupworks over the last few semesters. So, I tend to believe that I can do better by myself rather than depending on others and it's proven in this report! Nevertheless, I'm well aware that being individualistic and self-confident aint gonna work all the time. At times, we do need to work hand in hand with other groupmates.
ANYWAY, there's always an exception rite?!!! So, yea there is an exception this time around! wheeeeee =DD
I GOT A PERFECT SCORE for the ENTIRE REPORT!!! The lecturer's comment:
- The report is marked very strictly!
- She finds it difficult to pinpoint any area which lacks explanation!
- A well structured and written report!
AND although this is a group report, I did it all by myself! I'm being a bit too individualistic isn't it? Yea, true to some extent because I've had bad experiences for groupworks over the last few semesters. So, I tend to believe that I can do better by myself rather than depending on others and it's proven in this report! Nevertheless, I'm well aware that being individualistic and self-confident aint gonna work all the time. At times, we do need to work hand in hand with other groupmates.
ANYWAY, there's always an exception rite?!!! So, yea there is an exception this time around! wheeeeee =DD
Sunday, October 17, 2010
I love CAKES!!!
Arghhh..feeling so full rite now.. Just came back from Jason's B'day celebration at Satang Thai.. Great food served by this Thai restaurant! Luvit! It was my first time there and yupp, surely it won't be my last. Shall visit there more frequently but sadly, i seldom eat out..LOLL..the food here is so damn expensive okkk..wat to do..that's y i need scholarship! *buat muka kesian yang tak jadi sangat*..
And not only the food is nice, i love the setting as well.. and finally not to forget the birthday cake! A green tea with red bean cake! Awesomely delicious! Wish that's my bday cake next year? plzz plzzz..LOLLL..dun mind eating the same cake again..ahahaha.. Talking about cake, among the cakes i like are (by rankings):
1. any sort of cheesecake!
2. tiramisu =DDD
3. chocolate indulgence =DD
4. white chocolate macadamia =D
5. pandan ^^
Let me share some pics here which i've stolen from google images!! :
And not only the food is nice, i love the setting as well.. and finally not to forget the birthday cake! A green tea with red bean cake! Awesomely delicious! Wish that's my bday cake next year? plzz plzzz..LOLLL..dun mind eating the same cake again..ahahaha.. Talking about cake, among the cakes i like are (by rankings):
1. any sort of cheesecake!
2. tiramisu =DDD
3. chocolate indulgence =DD
4. white chocolate macadamia =D
5. pandan ^^
Let me share some pics here which i've stolen from google images!! :
Saturday, October 16, 2010

Oh yea, forgot to intro this movie..loll.. SO, it's actually called Flipper which is the name of a Dolphin featuring in this movie. Alongside Elijah Wood, Paul Hogan was also among the actors in this movie. I only knew him in Crocodile Dundee before this. This movie was a remake of the 1963 movie also called Flipper. For the synopsis of this movie, I'm not gonna tell it here..coz am not good in telling stories..loll..So, here's the link to the synopsis! >>> http://www.facebook.com/pages/Flipper/113107532036110 <<<
It's really a good movie in the sense that it shows us that dolphin is such an intelligent creature which can bond really well with human beings. Another good point about this movie is that it educates people about the danger of toxic dumping into the sea and how it actually affects sea creatures.
A highly recommended movie for animal lovers! WATCH IT! Ok..back to reality now..stresssssssss >
Friday, October 15, 2010
Strange weather..=S
Hrrmmm..yesterday was hot.. i thought it's gonna be the beginning of the real summer..loll. but 2day it rained in the morning, then it was cloudy and windy for the rest of the day... The weather here is so random and unpredictable.. just like my emotion...XD
And 2day i read some news from Malaysia. It strikes fear in me that almost everyday there are news about people passed away due to accidents. The news 2day was about 6 youngsters who were killed in a car crash. It's so sad to see that happened on these young adults.. Losing a loved one is the most heart-breaking feeling one can ever experience.. My condolence to the families of the victims...
And 2day i read some news from Malaysia. It strikes fear in me that almost everyday there are news about people passed away due to accidents. The news 2day was about 6 youngsters who were killed in a car crash. It's so sad to see that happened on these young adults.. Losing a loved one is the most heart-breaking feeling one can ever experience.. My condolence to the families of the victims...
=.=""" Yes, i'm sweating.. it's so damn hawtttt today.. A beginning of summer already? @@ When the weather was cold, i wish for it to be hot. When it's hot, i wish for it to be cold..sighh..=.=!!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
The world has changed.... like seriously.... i'm not lying... u'll freak out when u watch the video belowwww.... If u don't, then I do!
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Still HOLIDAY la...
2day is still considered holiday! And so is 2moro! Hence, am just gonna continue slacking and do wat i do best!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wife in hospital, teacher rapes four-year-old stepdaughter
Damn!!!! This piece of news made me so angry! What an act of evil! Like wat the hell?! Raping a 4-yr-old kid?! He just ruined the life of an innocent young girl! Shittt..this guy seriously don't deserve to live! And he's a teacher?! What a disgrace! In his next life, he should be born a male without penis!
Waaa..so fasttt
My gosh..holidays are gone just like dat! Few more days 2 go before lectures and tutorials resume! Sian arrrr..T.T i dun wan this holiday 2 end...T.T Oh by the way, i played badminton 2day... Whole body pain now..@@ Sign of aging i guess? LOLLL
Thursday, September 23, 2010
A tale about a german housemate..
i have this housemate from germany... a couple of weeks back, she went 2 a party with several other housemates. She got to know a random guy at the party & i guessed she's in love with dat guy. Coz i heard her rambling sth about the guy a few days after the party ---> " owhh..he's so terrible..when i called him, he forgets who am i. And then he did not answer my phone.." ewww..so despo till call ppl..=.= Clearly, this means that ur not attractive la..dats y the guy cannot rmbr..XD.
Then, 2 wks ago, her friend from germany came to sydney to work temporarily before going for a travel. This german housemate was looking for a job for quite some time already but she couldnt find any. Then, her friend who just arrived eventually found a job rite away! Again she bu shuang.."goshh..it's so unfair..uhm, i mean i'm not trying 2 b jealous..but i've been searching for so long n she got it juz like dat..bla bla bra" <--- jealous la tu...
Then, 2 wks ago, her friend from germany came to sydney to work temporarily before going for a travel. This german housemate was looking for a job for quite some time already but she couldnt find any. Then, her friend who just arrived eventually found a job rite away! Again she bu shuang.."goshh..it's so unfair..uhm, i mean i'm not trying 2 b jealous..but i've been searching for so long n she got it juz like dat..bla bla bra" <--- jealous la tu...
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Pulling an all-nighter..
Wootttzz..finally i'm done with my essay due this Thursday! I pulled an all-nighter just to complete this piece of 20% essay damn! Now, i'm free to do my homeworks and to prepare for another group assessment this Thursday. Then, I can finally look forward to a short break to release stress!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Penang Curry Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
SO, yes i am busy!! got lotsa homeworks, assignments and presentation 2 be done! BUT i will always have time for FOOD!! So, 2day i decided 2 make CURRY MEE !!!! So, i think i shall talk less and let the pictures do the talking! TaDaaa!!
Pj's authentic curry mee! Way better than old town one i tell u! hahahaha...
Another angle of the curry mee...=D
ahhh...tasted so goooooddd... am so full & satisfied after eating it! LOL.. i'm not trying 2 brag but it really tasted sooo damnnn gud! So, now i have another item added to my list of "FOOD for MY FAMILY". This is a name for one of my plans that i shall embark on during the upcoming 3 mths of my holiday in M'sia!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
ice kacang puppy love~~
ahh..finally i watched this malaysian movie..finished watching at 3am..yet am not sleepy yet. it's such a wonderful and meaningful movie. i dunno why this movie brings bac lotsa memories... yes, my childhood memories... i like the fact that they use the kopitiam, ais kacang, ba ku li, kar kiak, siou pak hu....& other objects used to replicate the memories of the past and the scene of kampung lifestyle...
i lived in a kampung & grew up as a kampung boy. maybe i dun look like one but i am indeed. i guess the experience of living a kampung life is an opportunity that not many ppl could have had largely thanks 2 my parents who were born in b'worth, grew up in b'worth, got married in bworth... so proud to be a penang lang...
hrrmmm...this movie casted my memories back... when i was still YOUNG... i can recall how i used to wearing mum's kar kiak, playing with stones & coconut leaves, raring siou pak hu & goldfish, drank 20cents ice kosong, and hrrmm..wat else... oh yea, running around the kampung, walked to the barber's shop 2 get a haircut. Normally or almost definitely, on my way bac after haircut i will walk past the fish shop. surely i will walk in the shop..buy or not..sure enter. got enuf money then buy 1 or 2 fish..no $$$, see see oso syiok.
went tuition with friends, during break time will definitely run 2 the nearby mamak shop beside the road 2 buy ice kosong. like dat pun syiok. can even play hide n seek around the kampung during that break time..=.=
oh yea, not 2 forget everytime after haircut surely will buy soya milk drink from a chinese stall...using the $$$ left from haircut. sometimes very careless...walked halfway dropped one of the soya milk packet. sia sui lang nia... & then have to walk bac with 1 packet less coz not enuf $$$ 2 buy extra one. went bac told mummy but luckily never get scolded.
nearby my house got the old old grocery shop..so called mini market or chai tiam ma. every afternoon oso will walked there 2 buy ice cream. to b more precise, it's the ice pop like this:
10 cent-water one, 20cents-frozen one
buy liao cut into two... eat liao not enuf, go buy summore or wait 2moro... sumtimes can even change flavour with siblings.. cut into half liao, u take half of mine i take half of urs...
during free time, will definitely walked around the kampung...exploring the lorong lorong dat i've never walked past. and surprisingly never get lost.. instead, found new routes or shortcuts dat led me to another place. sumtimes walked past a place which hav lotsa stray dogs. kena barked summore kena chased.. run till bo mia.. no more next time!
hrrmmm...lot more stories 2 tell...but enuf for now..need 2 get some sleep liao..2moro onli got 1 hour class. nite!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
i'm so damn full rite now. attended a housemate's b'day party. ate soooOOOO muchHHH dat i can hardly breathe! Guess i can only describe myself as -
I can't breathe... I can't breathe no more... I CAN'T BREATHE! (adopted from G-Dragon's song..lol)
I can't breathe... I can't breathe no more... I CAN'T BREATHE! (adopted from G-Dragon's song..lol)
something's not right with my brain..
goshhhhhh...wat's wrong with me?!?!? WAT'S WRONG WITH ME!?!?!?!?!! SERIOUSLY WTH IS WRONG WITH ME THESE DAYS?!!
seems like i'm having phobia for exams already now.. i've sat for 2 mid-sem exams this semester. Yet, i dont tink i did a great job in both exams. in fact, i shud say i did BADLY...really BADDDDDDD. gone are the days when i can easily score HDs and Ds. Now dat am doing 2nd yr + 3rd yr subjects, i find myself struggling in the exams..cant even finish the questions in time..wtf. Arghhh, something is seriously wrong with my brain! Yea, it's true that the subjects are getting harder and harder as I progress. But the exams weren't too hard actually. It's just that my brain isn't working within the limited time!!
Sighhhhhhhhh, seriously need 2 strive like hell for the assignments and the final exam particularly...it's not the end yet. I may have lost the battle for now but the war is far from over... Just gotta look at the brighter side and keep motivating myself...
Lifeless at the moment..
seems like i'm having phobia for exams already now.. i've sat for 2 mid-sem exams this semester. Yet, i dont tink i did a great job in both exams. in fact, i shud say i did BADLY...really BADDDDDDD. gone are the days when i can easily score HDs and Ds. Now dat am doing 2nd yr + 3rd yr subjects, i find myself struggling in the exams..cant even finish the questions in time..wtf. Arghhh, something is seriously wrong with my brain! Yea, it's true that the subjects are getting harder and harder as I progress. But the exams weren't too hard actually. It's just that my brain isn't working within the limited time!!
Sighhhhhhhhh, seriously need 2 strive like hell for the assignments and the final exam particularly...it's not the end yet. I may have lost the battle for now but the war is far from over... Just gotta look at the brighter side and keep motivating myself...
Lifeless at the moment..
Thursday, September 2, 2010
where's everybodyyyyy
=_______= juz got bac from uni... done for the week. just need 2 prepare myself for next week's exam. shittt..hate it when i mention exam..fcuk..it made me wanna curse so much..it's endless. nevertheless, life isnt all about exam ! tot of taking a break and try 2 find someone 2 chat on messenger.. wth..not a single soul on9!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
had such a long nap this afternoon ...it was for 3 hrs long... perhaps it wasnt a nap but a sleep instead... but still it aint enuf! coz i slept damn late last nite... i guess i dun need a reason for staying up past 3 am... just dont seem 2 sleep early these days... am living life like an owl...
and....and...i just did nth 2day...other than dat freaking long nap...and my dinner...had no idea wat the heck i cooked. macaroni with cheese+carrots+eggs...such a weird combination but they still went down my tummy. well, i gave my 100% effort for this meal but with 0% flavour. it tasted like eating plain macaroni.. as plain as life is these dayssssssss..
Saturday, August 28, 2010
gahhh...am mentally exhausteddddddddd. spent 15 hours in front of laptop juz 2 complete a 1000 words report on economic analysis. The tiring part was actually the research. Gotta get the rite data from the rite source which is NOT easy watsoever... anyway, thk gudn3ss i'm done already. gotta get a rest now.. 2moro is a new challenge again.. gotta study reallll hard for monday's exam !
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Living life with regrets..
I wonder how long will it take b4 i can finally 4get...
I wonder how long will it take b4 i can finally not shed tears....
I wonder how long will it take b4 i can finally learn to be stronger....
I wonder how long will it take b4 i can finally learn how 2 cope with reality...
Every smile and every laugh from me is not 100%.... deep inside of me, i've never been happy...
Each day, I'll be thinking & wondering why it has to happen...why did it happen....and why i'm the victim....
I have great friends around me... i have a loving and awesome family... but i always doubt if it is truly enough....
Life was never the same again after you left... I regretted so much till these days... i wish i could return 2 the past...there's much left 2 b said...but i wasnt given a chance at all... i'm crying rite now...i know it's a shame dat a 21-yr-old man is still crying. but who will not if they lost their loved ones....
Grandpa... i just want u to know..dat i still love u...and am missing u every moment of my life... glad 2 have been a grandchild of someone as special as you... please forgive me for not even attending your funeral... if i'm given a chance 2 choose, i will still choose u as my grandpa in my next life...
I wonder how long will it take b4 i can finally not shed tears....
I wonder how long will it take b4 i can finally learn to be stronger....
I wonder how long will it take b4 i can finally learn how 2 cope with reality...
Every smile and every laugh from me is not 100%.... deep inside of me, i've never been happy...
Each day, I'll be thinking & wondering why it has to happen...why did it happen....and why i'm the victim....
I have great friends around me... i have a loving and awesome family... but i always doubt if it is truly enough....
Life was never the same again after you left... I regretted so much till these days... i wish i could return 2 the past...there's much left 2 b said...but i wasnt given a chance at all... i'm crying rite now...i know it's a shame dat a 21-yr-old man is still crying. but who will not if they lost their loved ones....
Grandpa... i just want u to know..dat i still love u...and am missing u every moment of my life... glad 2 have been a grandchild of someone as special as you... please forgive me for not even attending your funeral... if i'm given a chance 2 choose, i will still choose u as my grandpa in my next life...
Friday, August 13, 2010
If i'm...
If i'm intelligent, there's one person who is more intelligent than I am.. she's my MUM... she gave birth 2 me.. there's no doubt she's more intelligent than me... =)
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
2 weeks remaining~~
Am counting the number of days left to fly bac Sydney again....With 14 days to go, I definitely wish I could have more days left. Nevertheless, I think I've enjoyed this holiday thanx 2 the world cup! Really glad to have parents who may not be fanatic soccer fans and yet watching the matches 2gether with me in the midnight!
The excitement of this holiday also comes from the time I'm able to spend with every member of my family during weekends. We never seem 2 miss out on weekend shoppings and having lunch at fine-dining restaurants. Also, I've been taking pics of all the food I've eaten at a couple of places. Will be uploading them hopefully before I return to sydney.
Oh, and 1 thing worth to mention here. It's my weight! LOL..I've gained back my weight which i've lost so much in sydney. My scale shows that I'm weighing at 65.5kgs which I can say a great increase from 61-62 kgs on the day I came bac. Thanks 2 mum's delicious meals everyday!
Hrmm,..Since the day I came bac here, I can't recall any day that I didn't smile or laugh.=DDD That's the magic of family love!! <3
The excitement of this holiday also comes from the time I'm able to spend with every member of my family during weekends. We never seem 2 miss out on weekend shoppings and having lunch at fine-dining restaurants. Also, I've been taking pics of all the food I've eaten at a couple of places. Will be uploading them hopefully before I return to sydney.
Oh, and 1 thing worth to mention here. It's my weight! LOL..I've gained back my weight which i've lost so much in sydney. My scale shows that I'm weighing at 65.5kgs which I can say a great increase from 61-62 kgs on the day I came bac. Thanks 2 mum's delicious meals everyday!
Hrmm,..Since the day I came bac here, I can't recall any day that I didn't smile or laugh.=DDD That's the magic of family love!! <3
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Results Are Out!!!!
Year 2 Semester 1 results are finally out!! Generally, I tink the results are not bad. Though they may not be as gud as year 1, i think they're still gud enuf for a 2nd year student. So, am satisfied with myself and will strive for even better results next sem! Knowing that every semester gets tougher, I suppose I can't be expecting HD all the time and also to get Dean List award every year. This uni's requirement for HD is so high compared to other universities. At least when I finish this degree, I can look back and say that I've achieved that award before.
The thoughts of having to deal with more difficult subjects as I progress down the lane do send a chill down my spine. I'm doing double major and there is no space for any free elective subjects now. As I'm arranging my timetable for next semester and for my 3rd year, I could see the word ACCOUNTING or FINANCE all over the slots. @.@ Anyway, this doesnt mean I'm demotivated already. I know life doesnt get any easier every now and then but that's the sort of challenge I am looking forward to!
The thoughts of having to deal with more difficult subjects as I progress down the lane do send a chill down my spine. I'm doing double major and there is no space for any free elective subjects now. As I'm arranging my timetable for next semester and for my 3rd year, I could see the word ACCOUNTING or FINANCE all over the slots. @.@ Anyway, this doesnt mean I'm demotivated already. I know life doesnt get any easier every now and then but that's the sort of challenge I am looking forward to!
Monday, June 28, 2010
Who to blame?
So, England are officially out of the World Cup! I can't bliv it! I watched the match anticipating that the scoreline would be much tighter! Well, there has been some debate going around bout the disallowed goal for England which 'could' have changed the scoreline. To blame the referee or not? Maybe it wasnt his fault after all as the movement of the ball was too quick to be seen and the linesman wasnt at the right place at the right time. Perhaps the blame should go to FIFA for not introducing video technology.
However, England as a team was not even playing to their peak. So, even if the goal was allowed, they cud've lost somehow. Personally, I think the strikers weren't helpful at all. Looking at other teams such as Argentina, Brazil and Spain, their main driving force comes from their strikers. In England, all I saw was them playing with 10 players instead of 11. WHY?! Becoz Wayne Rooney wasnt having any great shots on goal let alone scoring a goal. =.= Altho I like him a lot when he's playing for ManUtd, I've got to be honest on what I saw on the field. On the other hand, I'm beginning to respect players like Lampard and Gerrard. You can see that they played their best, making all the runs and trying everything they could to salvage the game.
So, this is it. The fact that England is out of the World Cup shall not shatter my World Cup mood. With no other teams that I support, I shall enjoy the beauty of the game and may the best team wins!
However, England as a team was not even playing to their peak. So, even if the goal was allowed, they cud've lost somehow. Personally, I think the strikers weren't helpful at all. Looking at other teams such as Argentina, Brazil and Spain, their main driving force comes from their strikers. In England, all I saw was them playing with 10 players instead of 11. WHY?! Becoz Wayne Rooney wasnt having any great shots on goal let alone scoring a goal. =.= Altho I like him a lot when he's playing for ManUtd, I've got to be honest on what I saw on the field. On the other hand, I'm beginning to respect players like Lampard and Gerrard. You can see that they played their best, making all the runs and trying everything they could to salvage the game.
So, this is it. The fact that England is out of the World Cup shall not shatter my World Cup mood. With no other teams that I support, I shall enjoy the beauty of the game and may the best team wins!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
~A visit for A Day with A Memory that will last for A Lifetime~
This post is written specially for Miss Maggie Law. I seriously would like to thank her for being my tour guide when I was visiting Perth a couple of days ago. There are many many things that I would like to thank her for. And I dont know how and where to start with..so let me just randomly say what comes to my mind!
First and foremost, Thank You for accompanying me to stay overnight at the airport. Not many friends would be willing to sacrifice their comfort of sleeping on the bed to sleep on a chair. When I saw you sleeping on the chair, I felt really really bad. It's definitely not comfortable at all sleeping while ur sitting. Plus, the weather is so cold. Anyone would've stayed at home with the heater beside them but you didn't..
Also, Thank You for even buying supper and breakfast for me so that I wouldn't be starving while staying at the airport. Although the fries are cold while the burger bun was not that soft anymore, that's totally not important. To me, that was the most delicious meal because it was you who bought them for me!
Thank You so much for sacrificing your precious time to get sufficient sleep and rest. You slept for just a few hours and I believed you didn't manage to get a gud sleep either. Yet, you had to bring me around to so many places for the whole day and I'm sure that's already tiring enough. And you still had to work at night.
Thank You for such an amazing travel plan even though it was just for a day. You made my visit to Perth so meaningful. Love the nice places and the delicious food you brought me too. I'm loving Perth already with just my 1st visit. It makes me think whether I should've chosen Perth in the beginning instead of Sydney.
Thank You for planning ahead for my departure to the airport from your house. You helped me to make booking for the cab which got me to the airport without delay for my departure to Singapore. I reached not too early not too late. Just nice for me to check-in and shopped. Oh yea, I bought tim tam but 4got NOUGAT! Luckily I saw it in the airport..Bought 1 kg.. haha.
AND I appreciated that you even packed muffins for me so that I can eat them when I arrived in Singapore early in the morning.! And btw, I ate the muffins while watching world cup at Changi Airport..XD.. How amazing is that to have a friend who cared so much for me. You make me feel that being caring isn't that difficult after all.
Thank You for every single moment that we had together at Perth. You are truly an amazing friend. Thank God for allowing me to know you. You're definitely a part of the missing puzzles in my life. Now my life is made one step closer towards perfection with ur presence~~ Enjoy ur winter holidays and don't 4get to miss me! XDXD..~~ *hugs*
First and foremost, Thank You for accompanying me to stay overnight at the airport. Not many friends would be willing to sacrifice their comfort of sleeping on the bed to sleep on a chair. When I saw you sleeping on the chair, I felt really really bad. It's definitely not comfortable at all sleeping while ur sitting. Plus, the weather is so cold. Anyone would've stayed at home with the heater beside them but you didn't..
Also, Thank You for even buying supper and breakfast for me so that I wouldn't be starving while staying at the airport. Although the fries are cold while the burger bun was not that soft anymore, that's totally not important. To me, that was the most delicious meal because it was you who bought them for me!
Thank You so much for sacrificing your precious time to get sufficient sleep and rest. You slept for just a few hours and I believed you didn't manage to get a gud sleep either. Yet, you had to bring me around to so many places for the whole day and I'm sure that's already tiring enough. And you still had to work at night.
Thank You for such an amazing travel plan even though it was just for a day. You made my visit to Perth so meaningful. Love the nice places and the delicious food you brought me too. I'm loving Perth already with just my 1st visit. It makes me think whether I should've chosen Perth in the beginning instead of Sydney.
Thank You for planning ahead for my departure to the airport from your house. You helped me to make booking for the cab which got me to the airport without delay for my departure to Singapore. I reached not too early not too late. Just nice for me to check-in and shopped. Oh yea, I bought tim tam but 4got NOUGAT! Luckily I saw it in the airport..Bought 1 kg.. haha.
AND I appreciated that you even packed muffins for me so that I can eat them when I arrived in Singapore early in the morning.! And btw, I ate the muffins while watching world cup at Changi Airport..XD.. How amazing is that to have a friend who cared so much for me. You make me feel that being caring isn't that difficult after all.
Thank You for every single moment that we had together at Perth. You are truly an amazing friend. Thank God for allowing me to know you. You're definitely a part of the missing puzzles in my life. Now my life is made one step closer towards perfection with ur presence~~ Enjoy ur winter holidays and don't 4get to miss me! XDXD..~~ *hugs*
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Holidays here i come!!!
Finally~~~ A huge sigh of relief!!! I've finally got over all my exams for this semester. One month winter break b4 the start of 2nd sem~~ So happy that I'm going back Malaysia in 3 days' time!!! Can't wait to see my family and my puppy!!! Ahhh...i miss home so so much....I just duno why...i've been missing home more than i was compared to last year. And b4 that...............Perth!!! Here i come!! Lol..though it's gonna be just for a day.
Hrmm...time to reflect on this semester. I think this semester has been much difficult for me. Last year everything seems to be allrite. Perhaps it's 1st year and the subjects were much easier and less groupworks. Talking about groupworks, i really really HATE it so MUCH!!! Not becoz i dun like 2 work with others but the fact that the other groupmates aren't contributing in group assignments really pissed me off!! OR maybe they did contribute towards pulling my marks DOWN! It seems like they don't really care and just aimed for a PASS or CREDIT. What a bunch of useless fellows. Either they were absent from meetings or they contribute NOTHING during the whole process. I hope they FAIL! yes i MEAN it! they clearly don't deserve it. In uni, u got to give ur 100% no matter what u do..! Hopefully, next sem i will get a better groupmates for any groupworks.!!
Not enough with problems of groupworks, the Uni timetabling for examination is driving me nuts this sem!! Can u imagine having 3 final exam papers over 2 days?!! And it's not even 2 days! It's just 24 hours to be exact! And the textbooks for those exams are so thick!!! I just can't believe it how I've managed to overcome it. It was such a massive week for me. Having to deal with 3 exams in the space of 24 hours is not easy job. It was really tiring!!! Thank gudness my preparation for the exams went well. Nevertheless, it's all over now and i can look forward to my holidays~~~
Hrmm...time to reflect on this semester. I think this semester has been much difficult for me. Last year everything seems to be allrite. Perhaps it's 1st year and the subjects were much easier and less groupworks. Talking about groupworks, i really really HATE it so MUCH!!! Not becoz i dun like 2 work with others but the fact that the other groupmates aren't contributing in group assignments really pissed me off!! OR maybe they did contribute towards pulling my marks DOWN! It seems like they don't really care and just aimed for a PASS or CREDIT. What a bunch of useless fellows. Either they were absent from meetings or they contribute NOTHING during the whole process. I hope they FAIL! yes i MEAN it! they clearly don't deserve it. In uni, u got to give ur 100% no matter what u do..! Hopefully, next sem i will get a better groupmates for any groupworks.!!
Not enough with problems of groupworks, the Uni timetabling for examination is driving me nuts this sem!! Can u imagine having 3 final exam papers over 2 days?!! And it's not even 2 days! It's just 24 hours to be exact! And the textbooks for those exams are so thick!!! I just can't believe it how I've managed to overcome it. It was such a massive week for me. Having to deal with 3 exams in the space of 24 hours is not easy job. It was really tiring!!! Thank gudness my preparation for the exams went well. Nevertheless, it's all over now and i can look forward to my holidays~~~
Sunday, June 13, 2010
time is running out...
so much to remember with so little time left... so much at stake with so little room for error... but it will all be over soon... =)
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
A small victory to cheer about but the real battle is just about to begin...
Now, my final exam is just less than 1 week away from now. I think my preparation has gone the way I would like it to be. As long as i maintain my health and with a little blessing, i shall overcome this exam with little obstacle (NOT too little..it's like i have to jump over a really high bar with 3 papers in the space of 24 hrs!!!). Anyway...Today, the quiz mark for information system was released and i'm so glad dat i did very well for this quiz! So, just to brag (share la actually..haha), this is the announcement from my lecturer:
Dear Students,
INFS 2001 Quiz 2 results are now available in the Grade Centre.
Top Mark - 8.8
Bottom Mark 2.6
Average across both groups - 6.25
Worksheet 3 results will be finalised tomorrow morning due to consultations over-running time this afternoon. I will send out an email as soon as these are available.
AND guess wat?! I achieved that TOP MARK! LOL.. yea, i know maybe there is a whole bunch of ppl out there who also got 8.8 other than only me. Nevertheless, i'm really proud to get to that level. One of the reason was there was some drama going on when i was sitting for this quiz. I was attempting that paper halfway through & all of a sudden my tutor stopped me and told me that she gave out the wrong paper!!!! Omg! wth!! Different rows of students receive different colour of papers which means they have different questions.
Initially, I was given the pink paper which was SUPER DUPER easy!! 50 questions in total and as i've completed 25 questions with ease, my tutor stopped me and gave another set of paper! urgh!!! so, i have 2 start all over again with a GREEN paper!! Frankly, the green paper is much much tougher than the pink one!!! So yea, thank god i still manage to do well.. I supposed I could have gotten higher marks with that pink paper and set a higher top mark for that quiz huh?? O.o lolol..anyway..enuf for now & time to get back to my studies... THE REAL BATTLE HAS JUST BEGUN!!!
Keep Fighting! =D
Dear Students,
INFS 2001 Quiz 2 results are now available in the Grade Centre.
Top Mark - 8.8
Bottom Mark 2.6
Average across both groups - 6.25
Worksheet 3 results will be finalised tomorrow morning due to consultations over-running time this afternoon. I will send out an email as soon as these are available.
AND guess wat?! I achieved that TOP MARK! LOL.. yea, i know maybe there is a whole bunch of ppl out there who also got 8.8 other than only me. Nevertheless, i'm really proud to get to that level. One of the reason was there was some drama going on when i was sitting for this quiz. I was attempting that paper halfway through & all of a sudden my tutor stopped me and told me that she gave out the wrong paper!!!! Omg! wth!! Different rows of students receive different colour of papers which means they have different questions.
Initially, I was given the pink paper which was SUPER DUPER easy!! 50 questions in total and as i've completed 25 questions with ease, my tutor stopped me and gave another set of paper! urgh!!! so, i have 2 start all over again with a GREEN paper!! Frankly, the green paper is much much tougher than the pink one!!! So yea, thank god i still manage to do well.. I supposed I could have gotten higher marks with that pink paper and set a higher top mark for that quiz huh?? O.o lolol..anyway..enuf for now & time to get back to my studies... THE REAL BATTLE HAS JUST BEGUN!!!
Keep Fighting! =D
Monday, May 10, 2010
Happy Mother's Day~~
This post is specially dedicated to my dearest mum, Tan Geuok Poh ~ ~
It's always a special moment to write something about her. When I went shopping 2day, I saw a young mother holding the hand of a young boy walking past me. That reminds me of how I used to be just like that young boy. That was when mum was still very young. Now i can see wrinkles on her face which tells me that she has sacrificed her youth for her children.
Now that I've grown up and no longer be by her side all the time, it makes me realise how much I miss her. Honestly, i won't deny that I'm feeling homesick pretty much all the time I'm away from home. Part of it is because I miss my mum, a person who cooks for me & always there to listen and advise. So, I've promised that I will never forget to celebrate the only day dedicated for all the greatest mum in the world.
Last night, I basically didnt sleep at all. Initially I made an order with a florist to deliver a tiramisu cake for my mum. Unfortunately, there was an error when I was completing the payment process. So, at that moment I thought I had to call of my plan. Then, I tried to searh for other florists. I found several but unfortunately they require advance booking as early as 2 days prior to delivery. So, I continued searching through google till I finally found one nearby my house. And thank gudness they provide delivery on the same day of order as long as the order is placed before 10 a.m. Without any hesitation, I made the order for a bouquet of 12 roses for my beloved mum and this time the payment process went well!
So, everything was settled and it was already nearly 5 am in the morning. Gosh, I dun have time 2 sleep...@@. Then, i started to make the cupcakes. Baking the cake was easy but the hardest part was to design the cupcakes! Nevertheless, I think I did a gud job though altho it's my 1st time making cupcakes..haha. Then, I took a couple of pictures of the cupcakes I made.
At night, I video-called my mum to wish her and then to show her the cupcakes!! So, i had some chat with her which is my weekly routine or can be said as my weekly homework..lol.
It's always a special moment to write something about her. When I went shopping 2day, I saw a young mother holding the hand of a young boy walking past me. That reminds me of how I used to be just like that young boy. That was when mum was still very young. Now i can see wrinkles on her face which tells me that she has sacrificed her youth for her children.
Now that I've grown up and no longer be by her side all the time, it makes me realise how much I miss her. Honestly, i won't deny that I'm feeling homesick pretty much all the time I'm away from home. Part of it is because I miss my mum, a person who cooks for me & always there to listen and advise. So, I've promised that I will never forget to celebrate the only day dedicated for all the greatest mum in the world.
Last night, I basically didnt sleep at all. Initially I made an order with a florist to deliver a tiramisu cake for my mum. Unfortunately, there was an error when I was completing the payment process. So, at that moment I thought I had to call of my plan. Then, I tried to searh for other florists. I found several but unfortunately they require advance booking as early as 2 days prior to delivery. So, I continued searching through google till I finally found one nearby my house. And thank gudness they provide delivery on the same day of order as long as the order is placed before 10 a.m. Without any hesitation, I made the order for a bouquet of 12 roses for my beloved mum and this time the payment process went well!
So, everything was settled and it was already nearly 5 am in the morning. Gosh, I dun have time 2 sleep...@@. Then, i started to make the cupcakes. Baking the cake was easy but the hardest part was to design the cupcakes! Nevertheless, I think I did a gud job though altho it's my 1st time making cupcakes..haha. Then, I took a couple of pictures of the cupcakes I made.
At night, I video-called my mum to wish her and then to show her the cupcakes!! So, i had some chat with her which is my weekly routine or can be said as my weekly homework..lol.
Love, PJ
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Mid-sem Exam!!!
arrgggHH!! omggg!! cant bliv it...the financial acct mid-sem exam is coming soon!! it' this saturday!! it's 40%!!!! T.T so mucchhhhh 2 read and remember!!!! i have 2 more days..juz 2 more!!! stress giler! nola..not stress BUT no idea wat 2 expect for the exam...so blurrr...
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Such a considerate roommate..
two nights ago, i slept very late... i was sitting in the living room watching movie thru my laptop..so, i went upstairs & told my roommate dat he can turn off the light if he's gona sleep anytime soon. After i've completed watching the movie, i went upstairs again. The light was already turned off and he was already asleep but i noticed there was a table lamp beside my bed..lol. It was initially placed beside his bed. He shifted it and turned it on for me so dat it wont b so dark when i came in.. Funny but at the same time, it made me realised dat it's not dat hard 2 b a little bit more caring towards others..=))
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Easter Break
=))) it's easter break now! cant imagine how swiftly time travels! it's been more than a month i'm bac here in sydney.. frankly, i wasnt prepared 2 come bac here... the 1st two weeks of uni was torturing. Not bcoz of workloads but it's the mind dat kept thinking about home. I had no appetite 2 eat.. i had been quite sad.. and within the 1st few weeks my weight dropped from 70kgs down to 68kgs. When i stood on the weighing scale this morning, i realised dat my weight is now 67kgs.. have 2 admit dat i'm still thinking bout home all the time but this is life. i'm already 21 & i guess i must b able 2 handle this kind of feelings.. i'm not a small kid anymore and cant stick by my family all the time. It's time 2 grow up pj!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Flying once again....
This is the final night i'm sleeping here b4 departing 2moro...(waaa..sounded like i'm gonna die 2moro..TT)..*slap* yeaa..i'm really tired now but sleepless.. how i wish i cud rewind the clock...
Thursday, February 11, 2010
YAY!!! Another great news 2day!! I juz got the letter from University of Sydney this morning!!!!
I've been selected as a recipient of Dean's List of Excellence in Academic Performance 2009!!!
I didnt know dat my name was published in the Sydney Morning Herald 2 days ago!!! From the list, there are only 5 students from Bachelor of Commerce who got it. My average HD grade has entitled me to the prize..muackssss muaccckkkkkxxxxx!!!!!
Really glad dat my hardwork paid off with the recognition by the university...actually i think i was quite lazy....especially in the 2nd sem...hahaha..juz saw dat there were so many other prizes available...shud've worked harder. anyway, i'm contented wit wat i've achieved & i promise 2 keep the fire burning this year!!! =))))
I've been selected as a recipient of Dean's List of Excellence in Academic Performance 2009!!!
I didnt know dat my name was published in the Sydney Morning Herald 2 days ago!!! From the list, there are only 5 students from Bachelor of Commerce who got it. My average HD grade has entitled me to the prize..muackssss muaccckkkkkxxxxx!!!!!
Really glad dat my hardwork paid off with the recognition by the university...actually i think i was quite lazy....especially in the 2nd sem...hahaha..juz saw dat there were so many other prizes available...shud've worked harder. anyway, i'm contented wit wat i've achieved & i promise 2 keep the fire burning this year!!! =))))
Thanks TNB~~!!
thank gudness...the electricity was available again at 2.30pm...weeee~~~ initially, it was said dat it will take dem longer..seems lyk dey were very effective!! thumbs up!!! yippeee =))))
Great news! =.= There'll b a blackout in my housing area within the timeframe mentioned above. TT..
This is due to some electrical work by TNB!!! Wat am i gonna do?????
HELPPP...!!! no tv, no fridge, no gaming, no fb....the world is finally coming 2 an end...
yea, i guess i'm gonna taste 2012 in 2 hrs' time...='(
This is due to some electrical work by TNB!!! Wat am i gonna do?????
HELPPP...!!! no tv, no fridge, no gaming, no fb....the world is finally coming 2 an end...
yea, i guess i'm gonna taste 2012 in 2 hrs' time...='(
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
4 more days 2 go~~~
Weeeeee~~~~!!!! CNY is just around the corner~~!!!! This is the time 2 have open-house, gatherings, collecting angpows, EAT & to put on the new clothes..wooohoooo~~~~
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Of Cakes & Cookies
In conjunction with this upcoming CNY 2010, we've recently got an electric oven just 2 bake cakes & cookies. Perhaps it's much easier 2 buy than bake. Yeap, we've indeed bought lots of CNY cookies and the baking part is where the fun comes in =))) We've just started 2 bake butter cake thus far & the next one will be cookiesssssssss~~~ I've bought a recipe book from Popular for onli $20.00 & so far, I've gathered almost all the ingredients & utensils needed.
Hrrmm, guess my passion for baking is getting stronger over time. And yea, i dreamt of having my very own bakery shop one day although I'm not taking any courses relevant to it in my studies..lol. Anyway, it's not impossible. I'm pretty sure dat we dun have 2 get a certificate 2 start a bakery..haha. I know dat my mum & sis love cakes so much. So, it wud b amazing if I cud do sth special such as having our very own bakery shop in the future..it'll be simply awesome =))))
Hrrmm, guess my passion for baking is getting stronger over time. And yea, i dreamt of having my very own bakery shop one day although I'm not taking any courses relevant to it in my studies..lol. Anyway, it's not impossible. I'm pretty sure dat we dun have 2 get a certificate 2 start a bakery..haha. I know dat my mum & sis love cakes so much. So, it wud b amazing if I cud do sth special such as having our very own bakery shop in the future..it'll be simply awesome =))))
Thursday, January 28, 2010
sometimes i juz cant bliv dat i'm turning 21 soon...i'm aging wat on earth!!! when i saw my juniors talking bout stpm results...i started 2 realise dat oOOOmggg...they finished spm ady??? i guess mayb it's bcoz i never went form 6... & perhaps dats y i owez tot dat i juz finished spm not too long ago.....
time flies (like dey dun actually fly i think...they're ticking...rubbishy)~~~~~~& i'm actually getting OLDERRRR by each passing day T.T
time flies (like dey dun actually fly i think...they're ticking...rubbishy)~~~~~~& i'm actually getting OLDERRRR by each passing day T.T
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
What a tragedy...
It's too late to apologise & regret...
No one knows who is guilty or who is the culprit...
So, stop blaming each other!!
It's always been the case in our so called 'beloved' country dat ppl start 2 point fingers at each other when sth happened....
Even worse, some parties claimed dat "they knew it's a dangerous spot".."if i were in charge, dat wudnt hv happened"..."we've been warned about the danger b4"....Well, if dats the case y nth was done in the 1st place????? YYYYYYYYYYYY????? I guess humans juz love 2 TALK huh...dats all they do best when someone else died.
No one knows who is guilty or who is the culprit...
So, stop blaming each other!!
It's always been the case in our so called 'beloved' country dat ppl start 2 point fingers at each other when sth happened....
Even worse, some parties claimed dat "they knew it's a dangerous spot".."if i were in charge, dat wudnt hv happened"..."we've been warned about the danger b4"....Well, if dats the case y nth was done in the 1st place????? YYYYYYYYYYYY????? I guess humans juz love 2 TALK huh...dats all they do best when someone else died.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
A & B....
A: Dear, will u marry me one day???
B: Errmm....i guess NOT!
A: But whyyyy?!?! We have been 2gether for 3 years! Don't U love me anymore??
B: Yea, i did & i still do my dear.. ermm, but why did u say dat??
A: U told me dat u wudnt marry me moments ago...TT
B: Yeaa...true...i wudnt marry U for onli ONE day my dear....
B: Errmm....i guess NOT!
A: But whyyyy?!?! We have been 2gether for 3 years! Don't U love me anymore??
B: Yea, i did & i still do my dear.. ermm, but why did u say dat??
A: U told me dat u wudnt marry me moments ago...TT
B: Yeaa...true...i wudnt marry U for onli ONE day my dear....
Monday, January 11, 2010
errr...day-dreaming again...==
have u ever wondered life without worries....
living life like u dun have 2 study &....
never have 2 work...
with no boundaries & restrictions in life...
juz eat..eat..eat..., play...play...play..., shop...shop...shop...& sleep sleep sleep....
dat's how life shud be...==
living life like u dun have 2 study &....
never have 2 work...
with no boundaries & restrictions in life...
juz eat..eat..eat..., play...play...play..., shop...shop...shop...& sleep sleep sleep....
dat's how life shud be...==
Friday, January 8, 2010
the gud old days...
sitting at home...duno wat 2 do arrrr....== eat, sleep, fb, tv, sudoku...watever i'm doin, there's nth productive... boringnyaaa. then, i started 2 reminisce the gud old days of high school... then, i realised how i miss my secondary school. NOT bcoz of the homeworks, assignments & exams OK! it's the fun of having those friends around.
Still, i dun like 2 go to school everyday...it's boring...boring...boringggg. So, i guess i had an amazing record for being 1st class student & at the same time, being absent from school without apparent reasons for more days compared to those students from last class.== Out of 5 years i was in SMK Dato' Onn Butterworth, i didnt attend school for more than 100 days...easily would have exceeded that figure coz each year i was absent for more than 20 or 30 days except when i was in form1....well, form 1 have 2 behave la rite? lol.
Well, wat's the purpose of goin 2 school when ur not in the mood? wats the use of goin & then day-dreaming there?? even if i go, i will always find a reason 2 get out of class. i remembered once dat me & my frens went out for a meeting. along the way, we met our math teacher. he asked my frens 2 get back in the class but allowed me 2 go. well, wat 2 do..he knows i'm gud enuf 2 leave the classroom..well, i deserved it laaa.
yea, i know i'm lazy...but who cares. most importantly, i did go 2 school during exams. my teachers used 2 ask for letters for reasons of not going but i never seem 2 give them any...hahaha. And they never asked me the 2nd time.lol.
Another thing is dat i hate dat the school wanted us 2 cut the hair short.== i know i always escape punishment for having long hair. Even my frens (maybe i shudnt call them frens..lol) complained about my hair rite in front of our discipline teacher who taught us History. Guess wat she said...she said "eh, kamu tengoklah diri kamu tu siapa?? pei jin tu siapa pula..." well well well, i'm getting so proud of myself again.lololol.
yea yea, the gud old days had past...but now, i'm sure i'm having the better new days..no more UPSR, PMR, SPM, SAM...uni life is so much enjoyable...=___=
Still, i dun like 2 go to school everyday...it's boring...boring...boringggg. So, i guess i had an amazing record for being 1st class student & at the same time, being absent from school without apparent reasons for more days compared to those students from last class.== Out of 5 years i was in SMK Dato' Onn Butterworth, i didnt attend school for more than 100 days...easily would have exceeded that figure coz each year i was absent for more than 20 or 30 days except when i was in form1....well, form 1 have 2 behave la rite? lol.
Well, wat's the purpose of goin 2 school when ur not in the mood? wats the use of goin & then day-dreaming there?? even if i go, i will always find a reason 2 get out of class. i remembered once dat me & my frens went out for a meeting. along the way, we met our math teacher. he asked my frens 2 get back in the class but allowed me 2 go. well, wat 2 do..he knows i'm gud enuf 2 leave the classroom..well, i deserved it laaa.
yea, i know i'm lazy...but who cares. most importantly, i did go 2 school during exams. my teachers used 2 ask for letters for reasons of not going but i never seem 2 give them any...hahaha. And they never asked me the 2nd time.lol.
Another thing is dat i hate dat the school wanted us 2 cut the hair short.== i know i always escape punishment for having long hair. Even my frens (maybe i shudnt call them frens..lol) complained about my hair rite in front of our discipline teacher who taught us History. Guess wat she said...she said "eh, kamu tengoklah diri kamu tu siapa?? pei jin tu siapa pula..." well well well, i'm getting so proud of myself again.lololol.
yea yea, the gud old days had past...but now, i'm sure i'm having the better new days..no more UPSR, PMR, SPM, SAM...uni life is so much enjoyable...=___=
Thursday, January 7, 2010
duno wat title laa...
yesterday, my sis told me dat her school gave out forms for those poor students where applicants wud be given monthly allowance. So, basically everyone can apply AS LONG AS u r POOR..!
Ironically, some RICH students filled up the forms. According to my sis, those students came to school with cars originated from Germany, dat means Mercedes Benz la wth! How pathetic is dat!! Walao, as if their pocket money is stil not enuf arrr??
Well, my sis didnt apply anyway.
Maybe my sis shud have acted this way:- (in canton+english) "arrgghhh...yam kong arrr!!!! ngo hou cham arrr!!!! ngo mou MONEY arrr!!! ngo hou tor yat mou sek fan jor arrr!!! ho lin har ngo arrr!!! tim kai chor mercedes keh yan ALSO CAN APPLY keh??!?!!
ok...the end!
Ironically, some RICH students filled up the forms. According to my sis, those students came to school with cars originated from Germany, dat means Mercedes Benz la wth! How pathetic is dat!! Walao, as if their pocket money is stil not enuf arrr??
Well, my sis didnt apply anyway.
Maybe my sis shud have acted this way:- (in canton+english) "arrgghhh...yam kong arrr!!!! ngo hou cham arrr!!!! ngo mou MONEY arrr!!! ngo hou tor yat mou sek fan jor arrr!!! ho lin har ngo arrr!!! tim kai chor mercedes keh yan ALSO CAN APPLY keh??!?!!
ok...the end!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
I'm not sure wat i can do for her...
sigh sigh sigh....wat can i do, wat can i say, wat can i hope for her. how i wish i could help her. how useless i am as a friend. I have this friend who was deeply in love with a guy. Though i dun really know what happened between them, wat i know is dat they broke up.
Maybe u guys might think "well, broke up onli wat...normal laa...nowadays can see and hear anywhere...anytime". The reason y i dunno so much bout her relationship is dat i dare not ask her. I met her not too long ago and she looked fine 2 me but i know she hasn't let go just yet. She's been very upset and depressed since her bf left her.
I sympathize her for her tears but i'm angry wit her for her stubbornness. Recently, she posted sth on her blog about how she simply couldn't let go of the guy again. I wanted to scold her so much dat how stupid she is! if she was my sis, i wud have scolded her badly. There are so many more guys out there who can appreciate her love better than this guy. It's just a waste of time, energy and tears 2 continue thinking and crying for him. I believe love is just a trial while marriage is an exam. It doesn't matter dat much if u dun do well in ur trial !
At the same time, i felt dat probably i shudn't blamed her. I'm not her... so i wudnt understand wat she'd been thru. Maybe she had fallen too strong for this guy dat she's willing 2 surrender her heart 2 him. I'm not her...so i wudnt know the entire episode of her love life. I'm not her...so i dun know wat's running thru her head.
There's nth i can do other than reading her blog and hoping dat one day, she'll finally come out of her sadness and post sth dat tells me she has finally let go of him. Hopefully she'll realised dat she's still young and she has a really bright future ahead. Hopefully she'll stop wasting time and get on with her life. Hopefully one day she'll find a guy who truly knows how 2 treasure her.
Maybe u guys might think "well, broke up onli wat...normal laa...nowadays can see and hear anywhere...anytime". The reason y i dunno so much bout her relationship is dat i dare not ask her. I met her not too long ago and she looked fine 2 me but i know she hasn't let go just yet. She's been very upset and depressed since her bf left her.
I sympathize her for her tears but i'm angry wit her for her stubbornness. Recently, she posted sth on her blog about how she simply couldn't let go of the guy again. I wanted to scold her so much dat how stupid she is! if she was my sis, i wud have scolded her badly. There are so many more guys out there who can appreciate her love better than this guy. It's just a waste of time, energy and tears 2 continue thinking and crying for him. I believe love is just a trial while marriage is an exam. It doesn't matter dat much if u dun do well in ur trial !
At the same time, i felt dat probably i shudn't blamed her. I'm not her... so i wudnt understand wat she'd been thru. Maybe she had fallen too strong for this guy dat she's willing 2 surrender her heart 2 him. I'm not her...so i wudnt know the entire episode of her love life. I'm not her...so i dun know wat's running thru her head.
There's nth i can do other than reading her blog and hoping dat one day, she'll finally come out of her sadness and post sth dat tells me she has finally let go of him. Hopefully she'll realised dat she's still young and she has a really bright future ahead. Hopefully she'll stop wasting time and get on with her life. Hopefully one day she'll find a guy who truly knows how 2 treasure her.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
A Day in Jusco Seberang Perai~~~~
Happy New Year!!! it's 2010 now..a brand new year which i hope will bring out the best of me regardless of what i do. This year, i'm gonna be 21 pretty soon. Not sure if that's sth 2 be proud of as i'm getting older..TT. Me & my family went out early in the morning..(not too early actually as it was already 9sth am) 2 have dim sum. Initially, we were supposed 2 visit grandma but she's not in at that moment. Hence, we headed to Jusco Seberang Perai to start our 1st new year shopping~~!!
This was yet another big shopping spree by us. There were lots of discounts and promotions especially for clothes. We shopped from 10 sth am till 4 sth pm!! That's quite long i guess. The 1st thing we bought was a 4-in-1 printer,copier,scanner,fax which costed $498.00. Guess who paid for it??? It's me!! coz mum didnt bring enuf cash while dad din bring out his credit card. So, i paid with MY credit card...LOL. anyway, dad will settle the bill...XDDD.
Next, we started buying clothes. Honestly, anyone who didnt go Jusco yesterday will regret!!! There were heaps of discounts from 20-50-70% omgggggg!!! arrrghhhhh!!!! must shop till drop!!!! Almost all shops got discounts such as Padini, PDI, Giordano, O'reef, Basic Store. So, we all bought shirts, jeans, trousers...bla bla bla. I'm the one who bought the most i guess.
PJ-->1 t-shirt, 1 long sleeve shirt, 1 hoodie & 3 pairs of jeans~~!!!!!
Mum-->2 pairs of jeans
Sis-->1 hoodie, 1 shirt, 1 dress
Bro-->2 shirts, 1 pair of jeans
Dad-->ONLY 1 shirt...TT (kelian de papa...wuwuwu)
GirlGirl(our dog)--> 1 pair of hair clip..lololol.
Even my little dog got its present! I tot my sis went in Maggie T shop 2 buy a pair of hair clips for herself...manatau she bought for our dog....=.=!!
There's a story bout my hoodie by the way. When i walked out wit the hoodie from the fitting room, some people saw it & they keep looking...*i tot i din zip my jeans.wth* and i kept looking at my jeans. Actually, they were admiring my hoodie laaa. Well well, i guess i'm a role model after all.wakakkaka...*dap dap* The shop should really hire me 2 wear and promo the hoodie for them la...sigh.
Huhu..how I wish i could buy more...TT every shirt i tried oso i like... How gud if the entire store is mine rite..TT. In the end, spent $500++ on clothings alone... $$$ just fly away so easily nowadays....TT.. Nvmlaa nvmlaa...if dun spend now, before CNY oso will spend one maaa..*console console*...I'm really looking forward to CNY but at the same time, the thing is i'll be going back Sydney really soon after CNY....TT
This was yet another big shopping spree by us. There were lots of discounts and promotions especially for clothes. We shopped from 10 sth am till 4 sth pm!! That's quite long i guess. The 1st thing we bought was a 4-in-1 printer,copier,scanner,fax which costed $498.00. Guess who paid for it??? It's me!! coz mum didnt bring enuf cash while dad din bring out his credit card. So, i paid with MY credit card...LOL. anyway, dad will settle the bill...XDDD.
Next, we started buying clothes. Honestly, anyone who didnt go Jusco yesterday will regret!!! There were heaps of discounts from 20-50-70% omgggggg!!! arrrghhhhh!!!! must shop till drop!!!! Almost all shops got discounts such as Padini, PDI, Giordano, O'reef, Basic Store. So, we all bought shirts, jeans, trousers...bla bla bla. I'm the one who bought the most i guess.
PJ-->1 t-shirt, 1 long sleeve shirt, 1 hoodie & 3 pairs of jeans~~!!!!!
Mum-->2 pairs of jeans
Sis-->1 hoodie, 1 shirt, 1 dress
Bro-->2 shirts, 1 pair of jeans
Dad-->ONLY 1 shirt...TT (kelian de papa...wuwuwu)
GirlGirl(our dog)--> 1 pair of hair clip..lololol.
Even my little dog got its present! I tot my sis went in Maggie T shop 2 buy a pair of hair clips for herself...manatau she bought for our dog....=.=!!
There's a story bout my hoodie by the way. When i walked out wit the hoodie from the fitting room, some people saw it & they keep looking...*i tot i din zip my jeans.wth* and i kept looking at my jeans. Actually, they were admiring my hoodie laaa. Well well, i guess i'm a role model after all.wakakkaka...*dap dap* The shop should really hire me 2 wear and promo the hoodie for them la...sigh.
Huhu..how I wish i could buy more...TT every shirt i tried oso i like... How gud if the entire store is mine rite..TT. In the end, spent $500++ on clothings alone... $$$ just fly away so easily nowadays....TT.. Nvmlaa nvmlaa...if dun spend now, before CNY oso will spend one maaa..*console console*...I'm really looking forward to CNY but at the same time, the thing is i'll be going back Sydney really soon after CNY....TT
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