Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Mid-sem Exam!!!

arrgggHH!! omggg!! cant bliv it...the financial acct mid-sem exam is coming soon!! it' this saturday!! it's 40%!!!! T.T so mucchhhhh 2 read and remember!!!! i have 2 more days..juz 2 more!!! stress giler! nola..not stress BUT no idea wat 2 expect for the blurrr...

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Such a considerate roommate..

two nights ago, i slept very late... i was sitting in the living room watching movie thru my, i went upstairs & told my roommate dat he can turn off the light if he's gona sleep anytime soon. After i've completed watching the movie, i went upstairs again. The light was already turned off and he was already asleep but i noticed there was a table lamp beside my It was initially placed beside his bed. He shifted it and turned it on for me so dat it wont b so dark when i came in.. Funny but at the same time, it made me realised dat it's not dat hard 2 b a little bit more caring towards others..=))

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter Break

=))) it's easter break now! cant imagine how swiftly time travels! it's been more than a month i'm bac here in sydney.. frankly, i wasnt prepared 2 come bac here... the 1st two weeks of uni was torturing. Not bcoz of workloads but it's the mind dat kept thinking about home. I had no appetite 2 eat.. i had been quite sad.. and within the 1st few weeks my weight dropped from 70kgs down to 68kgs. When i stood on the weighing scale this morning, i realised dat my weight is now 67kgs.. have 2 admit dat i'm still thinking bout home all the time but this is life. i'm already 21 & i guess i must b able 2 handle this kind of feelings.. i'm not a small kid anymore and cant stick by my family all the time. It's time 2 grow up pj!