Thursday, December 24, 2009
Meet Up with smk dato' onn's gang at Newtown~~~
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Dong Zhi (Winter Solstice Festival)
So, there're only 4 colours here dis year. We used 2 have blue, brown and orange as well. They taste really great, smooth & sweet~~~
Sunday, December 20, 2009
shud i pity them or not??
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Enrolment oh enrolment....sigh
1. whether to take certain subjects in 2nd yr or 3rd yr.
2. whether to take the subjects in 1st sem or 2nd sem. (coz the assessments are different for both sems where they may be easier in the 1st sem)
i still have plenty of time 2 make up my mind...perhaps till the beginning of jan...which is so so near..T.T each time i think of this thing, i will always say aiyaa, 2moro oni la, it becomes 2moro & 2moro & 2moro~~~
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
here i am again...
initially, i was planning 2 work but i've changed my mind. Mainly due to mum's influence..haha. she said 2 me wats the purpose of coming back for holidays if i'm back juz 2 work?? at this stage, i dun need 2 earn money for my family, hence i dun have 2 work. talking about working experience?? i've experienced dat b4 and i knew everything pretty well dat working is not easy, have to be humble, FACE must b THICKER (in chinese--> HOU LIAN PI!!), polite, punctual, friendly, bla bla bla... therefore, i dun have 2 work again... i'm juz finding reasons 2 justify my
well, i guess mum is rite after all dat if i wanna work here, i cud have worked in sydney b4 eventually coming back here. so, i've decided 2 stay at home, eat, help my mum with her house chores, continue 2 learn how 2 cook and of coz 2 tutor my sis for her SPM next year...
i'm hungry now =S ...time for breakfast....
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Saturday, November 14, 2009
It's all over now!!!
talking about the exams, i think i didnt do as well as i did in the 1st semester. Anyway, i'm still very satisfied with my performance this sem. Definitely, last semester was pretty easy and there's no way I can repeat wat i achieved in 1st semester. Each semester will be harder and i just have 2 make sure i'm well prepared to face it. I guess i've really learnt alot since i came here. i found dat i've become more independent not only in terms of studies but also other things. All these years with the comfort of having mum around doing all the house chores, cooking and washing for me & all i have 2 do was just sit back and relax. Now, i truly realised dat i've been pampered so much and it's really a gud experience having 2 do all those things on ur own now. Nothing 2 complain but i have 2 say experience makes u grow up.
It's true that time never waits and grandpa just left me not too long ago. It really kills me deep inside and I really dun wanna bliv it. It's not even a year we're apart and now when i go back, he'll no longer b around. It's really hard 2 accept this till now. Rest in peace grandpa. I'll continue 2 miss u and i'll be thinking of u all the time. Thanks for being a special grandpa 2 me. Guess this is reality of life that i have 2 face. I wud have been able 2 spend more time with u if i wasnt here. But if i wasnt here, I wudnt have made u proud of me. Mayb this is fate.
To all my JPA friends, congratz for making thru this 1st year! Enjoy urself during the summer holidays and we shall meet each other soon! cheers!!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
it's finishing!!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Final Hurdle!!!!!
5 more days 2 go!!!!! The final exam is juz around the corner! Surprisingly, i'm still very calm though i'm not 100% ready yet. Maybe all my thoughts are just about getting over this final exam and get back home to the place where i truly belong...!!
To everyone who's sitting or will be sitting for their final exams, Gud Luck!!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
STupid Housemate!!!
No.1 - Cooked soup on an electrical stove BUT not being in the kitchen! Instead, he was in his bedroom. Then, the soup over-boiled and the smoke alarm rang! Apparently, i was having dinner at the next door. Had to run back to help him open up the windows to clear the smoke!
No.2 - Same situation as no.1 except this time it was not soup. It was some red bean dessert. The red bean dessert was burnt completely! u wont even know it was red bean had u not seen one small RED BEAN sticking at the side of the pot.
No.3 - Cooked the chicken drumsticks that do not belong to him!! (6 in total). Reason he gave when being confronted : "I tot it was mine". duhhh..i packed them into separate small plastic bags ok. and u dun even buy dat many drumsticks alrite u idiot!
No.4 - Used my electrical food steamer without filling in sufficient water ( few times already)! I reminded him b4 that more water has 2 be added if the timer is set longer. well, i wonder if he's juz being careless OR he was plain stupid! i guess the latter one suits him better.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
it's just another day when you don't feel like doing anything...
it's just another day when you feel like being absolutely lazy...
the shining star..
Friday, October 16, 2009
2 pm
Ur beloved grandchild,
1.30 p.m.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
The Last and Final Night...
all i'm hoping for now is that u would come into my dream soon. i wanna see and talk 2 u again even if it's juz in a dream. i need 2 see u..i need to hear u...i need to feel u... please give me a chance...juz one more...
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Monday, 12th October 2009
Friday, October 9, 2009
3 Ladies Joke
A Chinese lady quickly took her cosmetics set out and started to doll herself up.
A Malay lady beside her questioned her on her actions. The Chinese lady replied that if she looked beautiful, the guys coming to rescue survivors would usually save the pretty ladies first.
On hearing this, the Malay lady started to put on all her jewelleries. An Indian woman sitting beside the Malay lady was curious and questioned her. The Malay lady said that the rescuers would save her because she would easily be identified by the glitter of her jewels.
Then the Indian woman started taking her clothes off. Both the Chinese and Malay ladies were shocked and questioned her. The Indian woman then replied that rescue teams do not usually look for survivors. They usually look for the "Black Box" first!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
The Economic Insanity
And why the heck am i learning the fiscal & monetary policies in Australia?! As if i'm gonna be the governor of RBA or planning policies for OZ... So wat if i know the causes and effects of inflation, deflation, stagflation..bla bla bla. All i know is dat all these are rubbishy ! But we have to learn it simply bcoz they call it EDUCATION =_________________________________=
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Then, i heard my grandma has got some problem with her kidney and will have to undergo surgery as well. Why on earth is it happening at the same time?! I can feel what my mum's feeling rite now. It must have been a difficult time for my mum now. Though there's nothing I can do even if I'm back in Malaysia, but all i want now is to be home rite now..
All i can do now is to pray and hope that they'll be just fine...
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Soccer is My Everything...!!!
Now that I've finally found some friends who can play every week, it's more than just a satisfaction but a relief. A relief in a sense that I can rediscover the old times I had with my friends as well as not having to face the books all the time.!! Yeap, it's absolutely true that Uni life is short & we need 2 engage in the things dat we like to do most.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Cooking Master Boy
It has 52 episodes in total and I've just watched over 4 episodes to date. The thing that i like about this anime is that it casts my mind back to all the delicacies I tasted back at home. No one can ever replace mom's cooking..!! Mom is always the best chef! 3 more mths to go before I can finally taste her cooking again.
Ever since i started cooking on my own, I came to realise that cooking is not as simple as it seems to be. It's indeed easy to prepare a meal to fill your hungry tummy BUT to prepare a delicious meal that can put u into a state of euphoria is a little bit of a challenge. I never knew I would develop an interest in cooking but I guess i am now.
Hence, I hope not only to be a successful person in my studies or even career. Hopefully I'm capable of learning to be a good family chef and I wanna be able to cook for my mum especially and also for my family. It would definitely be a satisfaction for her to be able to see her son cooking for her one day. I promise I will...
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Into the 2nd week of sem 2...
i'm having 4 lectures, 2 hours each per week, 4 tutorials, 1 hour each, & 3 additional study session known as Peer Assisted Study Session (PASS). All in all, i need 2 attend Uni for 15 hours per week, which is about 3 hours per day. Essentially, dat means i have 21 hours a day left. Dat is to sleep, eat, complete the homeworks, play my ps2, watch tv.... the end...
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Friday, July 31, 2009
Winter Break Holidays....
Feels sad to say goodbye 2 them but we'll meet again very soon.!! Really had a great time 2gether with them. Thanks for the food, accommodation and of coz the great & nice places. Yea, i spent a lot this holidays mainly for all the nice food, souvenirs, transportation and so on. But it's worth it!
Yet, the onli thing i cant buy is time!! i wish i could spend more time with all u guys. hope 2 c all of u soon. Cheers =)
Friday, June 26, 2009
Finally.....bye sem 1
Yea, now i can really enjoy my 1-month break b4 semester 2 begins. Woohoo...really looking forward to enjoy this winter break 2 the max !!
Monday, June 22, 2009
I guess I should open a bakery shop one day..hahaha...
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Happy Mother's Day!!!
This year, I wasnt at home 2 celebrate this special day. So, what i did was I called her up and wished her three simple words "HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY". On top of that, I baked her a special cheesecake and I showed that to her via pictures. And i promised her that I will bake her this cheesecake when I go back Malaysia. Sorry mom, but I'll have to share this cake with my friends here =p. This was the very 1st time I baked a cake. Luckily, I did not fail and received positive comments from fellow friends regarding the cake. So, here's my cheesecake....
Sunday, April 26, 2009
it's Day 131 since I lost U..
Sunday, April 12, 2009
it's him again...

Last week, I boasted over United's 3-2 win over Villa. This week i still have every reason to do it again for they have managed to go away wit maximum point! So, who says it's juz a win last week?? Now, it's 6 points collected out of the last 2 matches...
Monday, April 6, 2009
Take that Liverpool..!!
I stayed awake from 1am-3am just to watch the scoreline from the internet. Anyway, it proved to be a worthy sacrifice as United triumphed at Old Trafford.The starting line-up by Fergie looked a little bit shaky at the back and lack of power upfront with the abscence of key figures such as Rooney, Berbatov, Vidic, and Ferdinand.
Yet, United broke the deadlock thru Ronaldo's 14th goal in the Premier League. Who says he's not gud enuf?!?!?! Dear Gerrard and Torres, a reminder to both of U, Ronaldo is still alive!! Before the intervals, United's lead was sadly cancelled out by Carew, the former Valencia player. After the half-time break, things got worse for Sir Alex's side as they are now trailing behind the visitor with another goal from Gabby Agbonlahor!

Talismanic winger....
Anyway, that seems to have a positive impact on Manchester United as they finally responded under intense pressure from the home crowd. Shots and shots were fired against Brad Friedel but none went in. Finally, here comes the saviour once's Cristiano once again who found the net!!! Wait, did I just say it's the same man who scored the opening goal??? Hey, he's scored a double !!! He's definitely not a walking corpse nor a blunt knife not even an overshadowed star!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
It's another Sunday again...
I've just completed my econometrics quiz last friday and my accounting mid-semester exam yesterday. It's considered easy level at this stage and I'm expecting the harder ones 2 come. Yet, i'm rather concern about this upcoming commercial law exam which will be held on thursday. Though it's an open book exam, u dun have much time. All that is given is only 50 minutes and it will be a slight waste of time 2 flip thru the books and lecture notes. But the gud thing is i dun have 2 memorise all the cases over these few days since it's an open-book exam.
It's 20% and there's no chance of screwing it up!!! Come on Ng Pei Jin!!! Be a bit more optimistic!!! Can u see I'm on fire now??? haha...
AND the easter break is approaching in a week's time! My melbourne friends will be coming over 2 Sydney! It's really gonna be great 2 see them again & of coz we'll meet once again during winter break. That will be our turn 2 fly 2 melb....
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Me!! - Rooney!!! - & Kimi!!!
And my mid-sem exams are coming up. I need 2 start filling my brain space with all the facts & formulas again!! No time for a break anymore. Should stop procrastinating or else I'll have to bear the outcome...sigh
Anyway, sth cheers me up now. Wayne Rooney scored a brace in England's international friendly against Slovakia. It's really great to see him back on top form again for his country. He may look short but he stands tall among the rest..haha. His robustness is simply amazing. He's like an energizer!
And one more thing, Kimi and Massa got ahead of Hamilton & Kovalainen in yesterday's qualifying session. So, they shud stand a great chance to overshadow the Brit in 2day's race at Melbourne GP. ARgghh!! I wish I could watch them from the stands but it's pretty expensive la the ticket and i need 2 travel 2 melb 1st!! year la i go...and if not, another year laa..btw y hasnt there been a sydney GP....
Saturday, March 28, 2009
JOG ??
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Think b4 u talk?? or talk b4 u think???
anyway, dat wasnt the main purpose of this post. The main thing was 2day's a special day!! It marks the duration of one month I'm in Australia. Amazing rite when u think how fast time travels. So, we celebrated this day wit a dinner at a Japanese restaurant. Initially, it was supposed 2 be at a Vietnamese restaurant but the idea was called off BCOZ it's expensive...swt.
And one more thing! I found a cheaper broccoli than those sold in Coles!! haha...i've been looking for this vege for quite some time...
Friday, March 13, 2009
Mixture of posts perhaps..??
Moving to the next thing ... i'm beginning 2 feel a bit of pressure of Uni life as I'm about to enter the 3rd week of this course. Not the pressure from lecturers or homeworks but it's the pressure that emerges itself out of nowhere coz i'm surrounded by a bunch of ppl wit outstanding results. Anyway, I'll get over it soon.. i'm alwez like dat as I did in my 1st few weeks in Taylors. They're juz humans after all and I'm ever ready to mount any upcoming challenge. Bring it on!
Wat's next?? Oh yea, i'm goin to Bondi Beach 2moro!! but the weather is forcasted 2 be rainy & thunderstorm 2moro. Let's just hope it's juz a myth & never gonna happen. I wanna get a visit to Bondi!!! Anyway, a cloudy day wud be good as well rather than hot sunny day... hehe.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
I'm 20 !!!
There was a celebration for my bday as well. We usually cook for dinner but last nite we opted 2 eat at a restaurant. Initially, i thought only 3 guys( me, cs and jason) will be going there but surprisingly there were others too at the restaurant namely look, min jie, tze hui, wan lin & shi yin. Really a surprise for me! We had dinner and shared some jokes. I still remember the jokes about getting drunk with TEA & those who got drunk will be pushed back using a trolley from broadway..haha.
Oh yea...not 2 forget my family as well. They celebrated for me via webcam after i came beck from the diner. They lit up the candles, sang for me and i made my wish b4 blowing the candles....they actually blowed for me..haha... thanx mom, dad, sis, bro, aunt, nephew, and my PUPPY!!! miss u guys..!!

making a wish....
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
It's simply so cheap*
Goshh..i spent over AUD 200 plus just for 2 textbooks and dat's about RM 500??!! Dat's only for 2 books and the other 2 has yet to be confirmed. Overall, if i were 2 purchase 1st hand book for this 1st semester, it's gonna swallow up my money estimated around RM 1000... Hopefully, i can get 2nd hand textbooks for the remaining 2 units. Otherwise, choice but 2 buy a new one as well. I dun mind spending a lot on books actually as I did during SAM in Taylors where I bought all the original books. hrrmm... it's still better 2 save whenever possible rite?? alrite... let's juz wait for the upcoming lectures & see how things go from there...
Monday, March 2, 2009
So it begins..
Friday, February 13, 2009
Olympus SW 1030

i've chosen the black one....

here's the silver one...

Waterproof (up to 33FT)

Freezeproof (-10 degree Celcius)
Other features:-
Shockproof (6.6FT)
Crushproof (100 kg)
10.1 Megapixels
Wide-Angle Zoom Lens
Hypercrystal LCD
Face Detection
Shadow Adjustment
Digital Image Stabilisation
Built-in on screen manometer
Perfect Fix
Free 4GB memory
I have to admit i love Sony DigiCam's really hard to make up my mind which one to choose btween Sony & Olympus... Sony's design is eye-catching while Olympus is a specialist in this product. I wanted both if possible but not now...haha..Somehow, I've decided to buy Olympus! Just cant wait to snap more photos at Sydney!!!!