Monday, June 22, 2009


I juz realised it's been ages since i last touched this blog. Mayb i shud just declare it as dead. Probably this is due to the exams.... Anyway, i'm back now. So, the last post was about Mother's Day. So, i assumed i shud post sth about Father's Day this time around.

Happy Father's Day!!

It's almost the same cake as the one i made for mum...

A rooster!! Dad, ur born in the year of rooster and this is for u!!! I did this origami myself!

time for cheesecake!!!

I guess I should open a bakery shop one day..hahaha...

1 comment:

Jason said...

eiyerrr.... didn't give me one piece also =p yea u shud open one soon~ no need study ady, go do biz lol